So Many Balls

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"WILLS! HAVE YOU SEEN MY HAIRBRUSH?!" June exclaimed, running out of the bathroom with a wet rat's nest clumped on her head

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"WILLS! HAVE YOU SEEN MY HAIRBRUSH?!" June exclaimed, running out of the bathroom with a wet rat's nest clumped on her head.

Willow sauntered up the stairs, a cup of coffee firmly gripped in her hand.

"I have seen a lot of scary things in my life...but this may take the cake," Willow laughed, taking a sip from her cup.

"My hairbrush?" June asked again, her hair dripping onto the floor.

"Haven't seen it June. Maybe Conrad swiped it on his way out..."

"I need someone on my side here, Willow. I was hoping it would be you," June sighed, going through a pile of clothes on her floor in hopes of discovering her missing hairbrush.

"I am on your side, babe. But it is so much fun to make of it," Willow laughed, walking out of her room and back down the stairs toward the kitchen.

"But my hairbrush--"

"Would you please shut up about this stupid hairbrush!" Mateo said, walking into her room and throwing the hairbrush at her.

She ducked, the brush narrowly missing the top of her head, before whirling on her brother.

"Have you lost your mind?!" She exclaimed, standing up straight and going to retrieve the brush.

"Sanity and patience? Yes. Mind? Unfortunately no," He said leaning up against her doorframe.

"Why did you even have it?" She asked, walking over to the mirror to begin combing through her knots.

"I can't leave the house looking a mess. Had to comb through my luscious locks---"

"I would've guessed that on an average day, you just rolled out of bed and started going about your business," She bit back.

"Who needs enemies when I have a sister like you," He smiled at her.

"I need the car, Willow and I are going to--"


"No? Mateo, you've had the car all week. We just want to--"

"No can do sister. Suz wants to paint your picture today. You are on Fisher house arrest until the tournament. Which I am going to kill at by the way," He said, flexing his muscles.

"Mateo put those away, you don't even have anything to show off," She scoffed, throwing a shirt she was holding at him.

"So what I'm hearing is no shopping today?" Willow asked, coming to stand just behind Mateo in the doorway.

"Apparently so," June sighed, continuing to mess with her hair. "Unless you want to take her, Mateo?"

"I'm not really the shopping ty--"

"Oh my god, we can make such a day of it! We can get lunch, and maybe I can up your style a little bit," Willow laughed, grabbing his arm and dragging him from the doorway.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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