Character Info: Unnamed Female Mewtwo

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Unless you wanna read anyway idk.

Her placeholder name is Sirica because I need to think of a proper name for her.


          In Unova, a Mewtwo, soon named Sirica by her Trainer, was created after scientists (Team Plasma) began testing on Mew.
          Sirica was created alongside other Pokémon, like Genesect. She was always afraid and wanted to be free from being experimented on for so long. Sirica was originally supposed to be a Pokémon created specifically as an addition to Ghetsis' team, and had to be subdued to do his bidding. However, Sirica's indomitable will never allowed herself to break. She was there for 8 years, always trying to escape.
          Ask and you shall receive (very late), Sirica was rescued by a young Pokémon Trainer (about 10 years old), who thought he was simply "busting" bad guys. This trainer happened to have a Gengar on his team (not Curse).
          Upon seeing the Pokémon trapped, some being experimented on, the young trainer took this situation more seriously. One of the Pokémon rescued by this trainer happened to be the aforementioned Mewtwo. She was cared for and loved by this Trainer, and she developed a special connection to him. This connection was further strengthened over the many years when she further grew into how an adult Mewtwo would look like. The connection was so great, that she eventually fell in love with this trainer.

          But one day, Sirica's Trainer was murdered by Team Plasma's Leader, Ghetsis, and his newly captured Pokémon Kyurem. While Kyurem was ordered to impale the Trainer with icicles, Ghetsis performed the final blows by beating him to death with his staff. Sirica and her Trainer's Gengar were overwhelmed by this Kyurem and were forced to watch their Trainer die.
          Absolute heartbreak and sorrow filled both of them. Their Trainer was buried in the same area he was killed. After his death, the Trainer's team eventually broke apart after some time, not seeing each other anymore.
Sirica's path in life from then on was lonely and isolated. She was less fortunate than the other members of her Trainer's team. She never forgot about the event, and blames herself for her Trainer's death.
          She had no home, other than everywhere outside. She would visit her Trainer's grave every so often.
          Many years later, her lifestyle still hasn't changed. At least until a certain Gengar named Curse winds up meeting her, with Sirica being aggressive and attacking him first. Although for some reason, she felt a special connection to him.
          Upon a battle and her defeat, Curse spares Sirica from her power being absorbed, feeling bad for her.
          Curse feels a special connection towards Sirica, but she feels an even more special connection to Curse. Sirica then requests to join Curse on his journey.

Short notes

          Curse has an uneasy and somewhat scared feeling upon entering the general vicinity of the burial site, even before he was told by Sirica that it was her Trainer's burial site.

          Looking at a Gengar's Pokédex entry, apparently, a Gengar used to be human. Although Curse doesn't kill people to try to create a companion or Trainer, he still was human.
          Knowing this, I'm confirming that Curse, when he was still human, was Sirica's Pokémon Trainer.
          Curse is 25 years old by the time he meets Sirica, so she's been mourning her Trainer for a LOOOOOONG time.
Sirica stopped visually aging at 20 years old.

          Sirica feels a certain "oomph" that emanates from Curse thats reminds her of her Trainer. She feels the need to follow his orders and do what he asks, within reason of course.
          Curse doesn't know about these particular feelings and/or instincts Sirica has about him.

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