Chapter 10: Lockers and Launchers

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Breakfast came and went as the students made their way towards the locker rooms to get themselves prepared for what was to come. Ozpin, during his speech, had mentioned some kind of exercise that would be happening today, and they were all anticipating some big exam for their class standings.

"You seem a little bit more excited today..." Yang raises a brow as she fixes her mechanized gauntlets around her wrists, turning to see Ruby excitedly humming while her arms wrapped around Crescent Rose.

"Of course! No more talking to strangers, and now it's time to talk with weapons." Instinctively, her weapon transforms into her huge scythe, sparking some stares from the nearby students, astonished a small girl like her could wield such a weapon.

"C'mon Ruby, it isn't just about weapons and fighting, maybe the whole team thing Dad was talking about would happen today or tomorrow, or anytime this week! We will eventually need to mingle with strangers, and you already did so yesterday with Yelena, Free, and the others." Yang smiled, recalling Ruby telling her of her experiences with Yelena, Blake, Weiss and Jaune.

Ruby groaned at the thought, with Yang noticing the visible negative reaction.

"If you wanna grow up, then you should start talking to people and learn to work together, and not just talking to weapons."

"I will. Eventually. And besides, I don't need people to help me grow up, I. Drink. Milk." Ruby hung on that last word, with Yang tilting her head with a sigh. "Also, can't I just be in your team? Sisters in crime kinda thing?"

"Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?" Yang winced, rubbing her shoulder.

"My dear sister Yang Xiao Long, are you saying you don't want me to be in your team?"

"What no? I just thought... Maybe you can break out of your shell?"

"What the- I don't need to break out of my shell, that-"

"Ridiculous!" Jaune lets out a groan as he accidentally walks past the two sisters, having not noticed them as he was more focused on the locker tags, "I thought I placed my weapon at locker 069, not locker 420!" He sighs, only for his focus to finally break as he catches a glimpse of Weiss and Pyrrha talking just a couple of lockers away.

"As I was saying, the two of us would make a perfect team!" Weiss smiled as she leaned closer to Pyrrha, who was simply busy putting her gear on.

"I appreciate the offer, but I was planning on letting things go as fate demands it. That would include not being in your team, in any chance." Pyrrha politely explained, with Weiss sighing as Pyrrha then smiled, "But it would be grand if we did pair up!"

'Yes! With the strength of Pyrrha and my mind! We will be unstoppable!' Weiss smiled as her thoughts trailed off, only to be interrupted by Jaune coughing, catching the two's attention.

"T-thanks for saving my butt yesterday." Jaune bowed his head as both Weiss and Pyrrha looked at him with surprise.

"Y-you know him?" Weiss winced as Pyrrha waved away the possessive girl's words.

"Well, I can't take any signs of bullying, and you did help that girl." 

"So... can you join my team?" Jaune let out a smile as he leaned closely to Pyrrha, bringing both girls to react with surprise, Weiss reacting more aggressively.

"W-what?! Do you not know who she is for you to just waltz in and ask?!" Weiss sandwiched herself between the two as she pressed a finger onto the boy's chest piece.

"Umm... Pyrrha Nykos? Winner of the Mistral Regional tournament... and poster girl for Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes cereal box?"

"Yes! Four-time winner of the Mistral Regional tournament, the top of her class AND every combat school in Mistral- poster girl for Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes cereal box?" Weiss tilted her head in confusion.

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