Chapter 14.5: The Other Perspective

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The sound of gunfire and stone breaking echoed on the tops of the ruins as Ruby's team warded off the approaching Nevermore as it crashed onto the far taller of the pillars.

"Your sister's gauntlets is a gun?!" Weiss raised her voice as she eyed the blonde girl shooting out a barrage of bullets from punching air. It was already hard enough to accept Ruby's weapon as a farming scythe/rifle thing, and it did take a while for her to understand any other weapon, such as her first time viewing Pyrrha's battles live on TV, "Won't the live ammunition blow up around her arms?"

"Oh please, what's the worry about princess?" Yang chuckled as she fired another blast. While Atlas was known for their technological advancements, they were ironically simplistic when it came to many designs. A sword is a sword while a gun is a gun, it is all they could ever be. Such was meant to establish a sense of standardization and camaraderie between each person, and Weiss fell under such belief, as her rapier, discounting the chamber containing her dust storage, was by far the simplest weapon of the team.

"Whatever, don't go crying to the infirmary when your gauntlets blow up." Weiss sighed as she then turned to face the youngest girl, "Didn't you have a plan in mind? We can't just keep stalling by jumping around the ruins like some playground, and none of our bullets could pierce that Nevermore's feathers, unless you'd want to spend another one of those black tip bullets of yours."

"First of, I do have a plan, I just need to find the space for it," Ruby did a double take as she eyed a set of pillars conveniently close together, "Actually, I found the space for it. Second off, I may have forgotten to measure the correct amount of dust rationing, as the last one weakened the chamber and one more of that bullet might blow up Crescent Rose."

"Really now? Well beside your pretty much broken weapon, what kind of amazing idea do you have?" Weiss raised her brow as a grin grew from the young girl.

"Ever played Angry Pigs?"


"Whoa!" Jaune reflexively jumped backwards as another glob of acid rain down on the group. He could hear his heart beat as he watched the other three go on with fighting the massive creature. They weren't even able to break through the centipede's tough scales like what Free had warned them about, merely annoying the thing as its attacks only got more frequent.

The more he looked at the scene in front of him, the more desperate the situation became. He wasn't even sure how they could deal with the creature, or even escaping-


Jaune's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he felt small fragments of dust trickle down onto his head, enough to make him wished he had gotten a helmet, but also enough for him to look up. What quickly greeted him was a roof, a second platform made of cracked stone right on top of them.

"The ruins..." The boy muttered as his eyes suddenly widened, a plan forming in his thoughts.

"Nora! Come here for a bit!" Jaune mustered up the courage and shouted.

"What now blonde? Kinda busy over here!" Nora, rather annoyed, turned to face him while currently hanging on one of the centipede's jaws.

"You can't pierce its armor! But that thing can!" Jaune pointed towards the upper ruins as even Ren and Pyrrha had also heard 0f Jaune's plan.

"Well why didn't 'cha say so?! What can I do?" Nora let out a smirk as the trio backed off for a moment, with Jaune pulling out his shield to join in the fight.

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