Chapter 5: Vale; Night-Time

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Message from the Author: To Arknights readers, I get y'all are excited and all for a character introduction, but please, this story is also meant for Ruby readers as well and I don't exactly want a character spoiled. You can still comment about the character of course, like express your excitement, just don't drop the curtains on who someone is.


Yelena simply followed the blonde woman from behind as the two made their way down the hotel and onto a nearby police station. The silence between the two only elevated Yelena's curiosity as she noticed the police

"Who exactly am I meeting?" The faunus asked as they weaved through the many corridors of the multi-floored police station, each time passing by a shocked officer only elevating the girl's curiosity even further. It took a few more minutes before Glynda finally spoke, her words spoken in only through whispers.

"You are meeting Professor Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy." She explained, eyeing an incoming officer in the process, who promptly saluted the woman as they passed by.

"Headmaster? Beacon Academy?" Yelena's eyes widened as the thought of meeting someone so esteemed had never crossed her mind. She knew Kandi had her connections, though she had initially thought it would have been just some CEO from her agency looking to hire the two, an easy 'no' was expected, never this.

"It is already bad enough that regular civilians have seen me escorting you toward a private holding cell solely reserved for huntsmen, news of a Headmaster even going outside their Academy would lead to an uncontrollable amount of annoyance for me to deal with." Glynda sighed as the young girl 'somewhat' understood what she was saying. Back in her world, if news of an Ursus Royal Guard roaming the borders between nations were to get out, it would've started a war immediately.

"I apologize for my vagueness, Miss Yelena. While a meeting between you and the Headmaster is important, he has other tasks at hand that do not require the interference of the news. Just a new school year by itself had already done so much trouble..."

"Does this have to do with leaving my father in the hotel room to rest?" Yelena quickened her pace as she matched Glynda eye to eye, raising her brow with the question.

"Partially so, the Professor and I would need to have a much longer, separate chat with your father that does not run the risks of being publicly spotted..." Glynda finished as the two stopped in front of a metal door. With a gentle and rhythmic knock on the door, the woman opens the door, revealing a singular man sitting behind a metal table.

The man was simple. White hair covered the top of his face as crooked glasses covered a set of light brown eyes. He wore a cotton black coat over a green undershirt, with a light green scarf wrapped around his neck. What was by far the most interesting feature was his cane resting on the wall behind him, with many gears rotating aimlessly inside, it was both mechanically complex, and simplistic as well.

"You must be Miss Yelena." The white-haired man smiled as he raised his hand for a shake, with Yelena reciprocating as they sat down.

"You have a particularly cold hand..." He chuckles as he turns his attention to Glynda, seemingly expecting someone else to have come by.

"My father is a little bit tired, must've been tired after the long flight." Yelena suddenly answered, realizing that the Headmaster was expecting the two, and not just Yelena.

"Very well then, we can schedule a meeting with your father at a later date." Ozpin simply nods as he produces a file out of a briefcase, resting it on his lap as Yelena notices her name spelt out of the folder holding the papers inside.

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