Chapter 14: The Emerald Forest; Finale

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The Nevermore impacted the ground as it let out a shuddering roar, enraged by Ruby's attack.

"Um guys? We should probably get going!" Jaune mustered up the courage to shout,

"Wait, but our relics!"

"Don't worry sister, I got you!" Ruby explained as she flashed a set of chess pieces towards Yang and Blake, seemingly having pre-planned even this situation.

"Well- that's convenient-"


The Nevermore roared once again as it took flight, prompting everyone to finally evacuate the area as they began to make their way towards the ruins.

"Dammit, again with the running..." Yelena couldn't help but sigh as she eyed everyone else, all in top shape (save for Jaune), carrying heavy equipment, with some even wearing armor on top, "Hey Free, I thought you said we could take this thing?"

"We could have if it didn't just impact the ground the way it did! A Nevermore has the ability to signal every Grimm to its location, THAT INCLUDES THE-"


An explosion of stone and dirt erupted from behind them as trees were flung to the distance, the Nevermore had attracted the now two Eater of Worlds to their location.

"So that's an Eater of Worlds!" Jaune yelped as the pair of giant centipedes arced acrossed the sky in a similar manner to a dolphin jumping from the water, only to burrow back to the ground and repeat the movement, rapidly gaining speed from the action as it did not have to spend time digging.

"As cool as it is that we're being chased by three Alpha Grimms at the same time, how the hell is this supposed to be Beacon's initiation?!" Yang commented as their attention was briefly returned to the Nevermore, screeching as it began to fly directly upwards and into the clouds.

"Best of the best, school for huntsmen kinda schtick!" Nora gleefully skipped as the thrill of what was going on entertained her.

"How are you even excited we're running from our deaths!" Jaune, being the somewhat normal man of the group, could merely comment as strange whistling could be heard above them.

"Feathers!" Ren warned as both he and Nora dodged first as massive feathers impaled the ground at speeds similar to a bullet, also serving as barricades as the feathers width spanned the size of a small car.

"What the heck was that?!" Jaune nearly ran towards a feather as Pyrrha pulling him closer to her side.

"Alphas, they can do crap other Grimms can't do." Free's explanation was interrupted as the Nevermore returned from the skies, instead plunging its entire body directly onto the group.

"Does this also include throwing itself right onto us?!" The sky dimmed as the Nevermore's descent fell faster and faster, causing everyone to pick up their pace.

"No- that's just a thing Nevermores do. A bit annoying!" Free couldn't help but chuckle as if Jaune didn't know the behavior of a Nevermore. Well, the boy didn't.

"A bit?!-" Jaune's cry of horror from Free's joke was cut as he tripped on a random rock (again), immediately falling behind as the group could not afford to stop.

"Jaune!" Pyrrha and Ruby shouted as the latter rushed to save the fallen boy.

"What are you doing you-"

"Go ahead, I'll be fine!" Ruby waved away Weiss's sudden pang of concern as she looked towards Yang, her own sister, for confirmation. Only, she did not see any sense of uncertainty from the blonde girl, as if Yang completely trusted Ruby with whatever stunt she was about to do.

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