Chapter 23-3: Absurdity in Battle

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"Hahaha!" Yang's laughter echoed across the room as the girl was still plastered on the floor.

"Alright students, there'll be a fifteen-minute break while the crew cleans up the arena. This is why my class is the entire day." Ace explained as he temporarily dismissed the bewildered students, shocked by what the first two matches resulted in.

"You're an asshole AND a dumbass!" Yang finally rose onto a sitting position, marvelling at the destruction the two had caused in such a short period.

"And why's that?" Cardin winced as he rested his mace on his shoulder.

"Is extreme strength your semblance? Aww, that's as unoriginal as semblances come!" Yang pointed with a cackle, the boy rolling his eyes as a response.

"I was born with it, I have not unlocked my semblance yet." 

"Bullshit!" Yang winced as her mood was entirely changed.

"Well, it's kinda true when you look at history. The Winchesters were known for their natural strength..." Weiss's voice signalled the two back to the corridor leading to the locker room, where the rest of the group came out from, behind them were a group of technicians wheeling out a trolley full of concrete tiles to replace the damaged ones.

"You're telling me HE wasn't fighting at full strength?!" Yang's face twitched as she marvelled at her bad luck. Free had lost in their fight for using the wrong set of prosthetics, and now Cardin had lost to her solely because he had yet to awaken his semblance.

"No no, I have to admit it myself, you are strong, well- at least faster than me..." The boy couldn't help but remark. He may have been an asshole, but he was no sore loser.

"Heh, keep your compliments, my sister would have flattened you had she fought instead!" Yang waved away Cardin's words as she confidently eyed Ruby, who sheepishly could only shake her head, attempting to drive off any form of attention gained on her. She certainly did not want another Weiss problem to appear.

"Whatever, you all have your precious little semblances and shit, so be it, but that's probably the only thing you've got, without em I would've won." Cardin snickered as he played off Yang's own cards, walking back to the locker room with his head held high as he was going to change back to his student uniform.

"That... asshole... Do something about it Free! Or kick his ass Yelena!" Yang sighed as the two looked at each other, each one giving some viable reason in not immediately murdering the rich noble.

"Hmm... they've got a point..." Ruby sighed as she patted her sister's shoulder. Cardin was going to pay another time...

"So, who goes next?" Free suddenly spoke, returning the subject back to their current situation.


"Next..." Weiss and Ruby looked at each other as the realization that they had to choose amongst themselves became evident. While Weiss, throughout the first week here in Beacon, had constantly flaunted her superiority, she was unsure what she wanted to do now. If she went out now, Ruby would be left with the last person of FLWY, and while it did not bother her per se, it was as if she was choosing Ruby's opponent, with her opponent obviously wanting to fight the Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company.

On the other hand was Ruby, her anxiety reaching an all-time high as she silently eyed Weiss, and then the remaining two boys at the other side. She wasn't sure whether or not she'd wish to fight now or have Weiss fight. 'What if Weiss wanted to fight last?', 'I might look bad if I chose to fight now instead of talking to the rest...'; thoughts formed within the young girl's mind, her troubled self defaulting to watching the technicians replace the remaining stone plates from her sister's rather destructive fight, her time running out. 

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