Chapter 14: What Best Friends Are For.

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It was about two thirty in the morning when I was driving back from filming. As I made my way home, a call came from Mark came in.

"hey there lovely." I answered, I waited for him to reply but nothing came through but silence. "Mark, I know your there.. Talk."

"Janel.." He whispered, his accent was thick. That's all he said for a moment. "Can you come over really quick? Please?"

"yeah, what's wrong babe?" I asked, making a u-turn and driving toward his house. "hmm, I'll be there in a moment."

"the front door is open.." Mark whispered, then sighed. There was a silence and then the line went dead.

When I got to the house, the only car there was Mark's. I quickly texted Val then walked up to the front door. It was open, good.

Inside the house was cold and incredibly quite.. You could hear a pin drop if you wanted it to. It was dark and just quite depressing scenery.

"Mark!" I yelled, walking up the stairs. Of course he didn't reply to me. I tried to open his room door but it was locked. "babe, I know you're in there. You called."

Mark opened the room door then disappeared back into his room. His room was a complete mess and it was horrible.

"Mark, what's wrong?" I asked, sitting on the end of his bed. You couldn't see his face but you could tell he was upset. "Talk to me, you called."

There was a silence before Mark started crying. It literally broke my heart-I grabbed him by the shoulder and hugged him tightly.

He was sobbing and I really wanted to help but didn't know what was wrong with him. Mark placed his head in the crook of my neck and started calming down.

"I-I'm sorry, I hate letting people see me cry and I can trust you with my life.." He whispered, leaning up to look at me in the darkness.

"It's okay Mark, I'm here for you." I whispered, running my hand down his cheek. "you wanna talk about whatever happened?"

Mark shook his head and sighed, saying, "not really, it's kinda complicated and it's just-I don't want you to judge me."

"Okay, how about I lay beside you and you tell me whatever it is.." I whispered, laying right side of the bed. "No judging.." I took his hand and Mark sighed.

I've never seen Mark so vulnerable, he was in tears and I couldn't handle seeing him like this. He played with my hair, trying to steady his breathing.

"I-I'm sorry that I called you all the way over here." Mark whispered, his accent still thick. "I didn't mean to wake you, J."

"Mark, I don't care what time it is.. Just call me and I'll be here at anytime. That's what best friends are for.." I smiled, turning to look at him in the dark.

"Will you stay? I'll get you your own pillow and covers just please stay so I won't be alone and do something really doltish." Mark asked, standing up and striding towards his closet.

I dropped my keys on the bedside table then texted Val so he wouldn't worry then situated my stuff on the table.

"do you want me to sleep downstairs or something? I can just talk to you until you fall asleep or something." I whispered, watching him sit on the bed. "what do you want?"

Mark laid back with a shrug, he pulled the covers up to his neck and sighed-staring at the ceiling blankly.

"Okay, so I'll sing to you." I whispered, sitting up and crossing my leg. He turned towards me slowly, making me smile.

I sang lay me down then elastic heart until he finally fell asleep, when he did, I went downstairs to get me a glass of water.

While shutting the kitchen light off, I heard the front door open then the clicking of heels and dress shoes.

"Jenna, shh, Mark might be upstairs asleep.." A voice said that I recognized. Derek. I peeped around the corner to see if it was my Jenna and of course.. yes.

I couldn't believe her, I pressed my back to the wall and waited for them to go up the stairs before running up to Mark's room. Grabbing my stuff, I looked over at him then placed a kiss on his cheek.

Turning to leave, his hand caught my wrist and pulled me back towards him, "will i talk to you later? Janel, I might be falling hard for Jenna." He whispered.

My heart literally broke, I couldn't dare tell him what I just saw. "Mark, I'll be home all day today! Don't leave your room until I call you to come over.. Okay?"

When he nodded, I smiled and placed another kiss on his cheek. "I love ya, Markey.. Now say my name with that accent." I teased to lighten the mood.

Mark smiled and shook his head. "Goodbye and have a good day.. Janel." He laughed softly.

"Ah!" I whispered, as he kissed my hand. "Now that's music to my ears.. See you later love."

Leaving the room, I made sure not to make a sound. I walked down the hallway towards Derek's room and pressed my ear to the door-which I later regret immensely. This is bad..

In The Morning, I sat in the living room watching Spongebob while feeding Daniel. He had a low fever and wanted to sleep all day which I didn't mind but I had to check up on him.

After changing him, I placed him to sleep in the empty playpen and started cleaning up the messy kitchen. My mind kept drifting off to what happened last night, who do I chose to talk to? All three of them were my friends and this is horrible. It's not as bad as my Val and Maks situation last year but bad as well.

A knock on the door brought me back to cleaning, I was expecting Mark but Jenna stood there with a smile on her face. She expected me to give it back but that wasn't happening.

"What's wrong, J?" Jenna questioned when I walked away from the door, walking into the dining room her chunky heels clicked behind me. "Tell me what's wrong."

"No Jenna, how about you tell me what's wrong? What did you do last night?" I said angrily, turning she looked at me confused as if I didn't know. "C'mon, you and I both know what happened, okay! Why would you do that?"

"Janel, that's has nothing to do with you! How did you even figure that out?" Jenna asked, crossing her arm. "Oh my god, were you following me? I don't need your help or guidance!"

I looked at her and scoffed, saying, "really? Do you really thing I have the time to be following you? Not I don't have the time but I was with Mark trying to calm him down because he was upset and crying before you and Derek tumbled in!"

Jenna got quiet, she would look between me and the dinning table. She looked ashamed, but I wasn't gonna feel bad for here.

"funny thing, after you came in--which luckily he didn't hear. He confessed by saying he's falling for you.." I shook my head. "now, you're fixing this by yourself since you don't need my help.."

We both stared at each other like we were at war, funny thing is I have the advantage and I'm gonna win this one..

a/n : well shit, enjoy this! I created a new story .. Will be published soon.

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