Chapter 23: You're Good Enough Jenna

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[written by qtballas & dwtsmark]
[a month later! time jump bitches]

lately, people on the internet have been attacking Jenna immensely. they'd call her fat and ugly, it was really getting to her. this pissed me off to the core that people would ever say something so cruel to someone so loving and compassionate.

me: jenncakes, don't listen to the people talking mad shit! you're beautiful and perfect exactly the way you are ( you're not fucking fat omf) you're chubby cheeks are the cutest as well.. remember you have Mark (the sweetest guy ever) who is madly and deeply in love with you! I'm your best friends and it's my job to tell you what's true! I love you baby cakes and so does Danny :) ❤️💚💙💘💍👯😍👭👰🏼 forever crazy beautiful.. love you wifey.

I could see that Jenna read the message but she didn't reply right away. it was really heartbreaking that she didn't want to see or talk to anyone when this started but that's all about to change..

opening up flipagram, I made one with the thousands of photos of me and Jenna. it wasn't to difficult to find a song, I went corny with True Friend from Hannah Montana then posted it on Instagram.

this is my wifey 💜 my best friend and sister 👯 twin and everything else! I love her as much as I love my family and husband, people have been threatening and calling her fat because of a relationship they don't believe in -- that needs to stop now.. she's beautiful and just drop dead gorgeous, Jenna deserves all the love in the world not hate. I could go on for days talking about my baby momma but I'll stop now. I love you jenncakes 💚👯💍👭 @dance10jenna

posting it, I got up and grabbed my purse -- everything was placed, I grabbed my keys and pulled on my shoes to leave..

I Arrived At Jenna's, she gave me a key to her home but I wanted to see if she would answer the door for me.

knocking on it, she answered shortly. she gave me a weird look before walking away inside the house. shutting the door, I followed her inside and sat down beside her on the couch. she stayed quiet and so did I.

Jenna looked towards me, tears falling down her cheek. I pouted, pulling her into a tight hug. it broke my heart to see her like this.

"baby girl.. don't cry." I whispered, holding her in my arm tightly. "you're perfect to me
and don't forget Mark thinks so as well.."

"momma, it hurts so much. I've never experienced hate like this before.." she whispered, looking up at me. "I'm staying strong because of you, J."

"I love you jenncakes.. you're so strong and
I couldn't be more proud of you.. so I've got something for you.."

fishing inside my bag, I grabbed the the stack of cards. they were colorful so you wouldn't miss them. there was seventeen of them.

on the front, I wrote exactly when she should open them. they were cute and designed.

"okay, so each one have a time when you
have to open them. certain parts in love my love.."

"when you're having a bad day, you need some motivation, you can't sleep, we get into a silly fight, you can't decide on a selfie.." I smiled, reading each card. "need help on a tough decision, you want to feel appreciated, you are feeling sick, you need a good laugh -- cause I'm hilarious, you're feeling insecure about your body.." I said softly, looking at the card for a while before continuing. "you need a best friend because I'm not here, you think you NEED a boyfriend, you turn twenty two -- which is soon, we haven't seen each other in more then two weeks, you feel like the whole world is against you, and this one.. I want you to open it right now Jen.."

the one I gave her had a photo of the two
of us in Paris then on the back with a purple sharpie it said..

you're good enough, Jenna 💜

she smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"I love you momma!"

"you better, I came her looking a hot mess."

[a/n: just a little filler 😋💚]
[qtballas- I really liked this chapter. it was cute and showed how tight their friendship is. dwtsmark: I wrote the ending..haha Sam did this chapter.]

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