Chapter V: The Everlasting Love of Spring

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Just as Elwin had told Fae at the commoner's fair, he didn't leave Malea after the spring festival was over. Instead, Elwin stayed in the imperial palace as a long term guest while Lexus governed the spring. In order to keep busy, Elwin began to personally assist the emperor by helping him make economic decisions concerning the empire. Maximillian soon came to realize how useful Elwin was, and decided to make him his imperial advisor. Overtime, Elwin became used to living as a mortal, and the citizens of Malea recognized him as one of their own.

Even though Elwin became busier, he made sure to send flowers to Fae's bedchamber every single day. He had large bouquets of mystic flowers delivered to her room, along with little notes telling her to care for them by using her mystic energy. Overtime, Fae's room turned into a beautiful indoor garden, filled with hundreds of mystical flowers. Even though Fae didn't see Elwin as often as she used to, she was satisfied with the flowers he gave her; as well as their occasional strolls in the palace garden.

One day, while Fae and her new maid, Lynn, were organizing the flowers in her chamber, Fae noticed that she had run out of flower pots for her bouquets.

"Oh dear," said Fae while shaking her head. "I must have used up all of my vases, I can't find anymore."

Fae started slowly pacing around the room in thought. Her right hand was perched on her hip while her left hand held on to her chin.

"Do you need me to fetch you some more, your highness?" Asked Lynn.

"There's no need, I'll get the vases myself. Stay here and make room for all the flowers I've received this week." Fae, being slightly annoyed by the sudden complication, instructed her servant with a smile.

The young princess set out to find suitable placeholders for her bouquets, and sure enough, she was able to procure sixteen porcelain vases and five golden flower pots. Fae used her mystic energy to float them back to her room, but when she entered her chamber, she was shocked to find that all of her flowers had mysteriously disappeared.

"Lynn, where have all my flowers gone!?" Fae shouted.

"I- I'm not sure, your highness, I only stepped out for a second to talk to the head maid. When I came back everything was missing!" Fae's maid dropped to her knees in panic. If Fae blamed Lynn for being careless, or accused her of stealing, she could have her executed. Normally, the servants wouldn't be so worried, but Lynn was new, and she had never seen Fae so upset before.

"Why would you step outside of the chamber!? How negligent could you be?"

While Lynn was being scolded she cowered before Fae in fear. Fae then quickly scanned the room for any evidence of Lynn's treason. Meanwhile, her faithful servant began to sob uncontrollably on the floor.

"Forget you!" Fae shouted. She began running around her chamber looking for a single flower that might have been left behind. Strangely, the room didn't appear to have been robbed. Everything was neat and perfectly in order, the only thing missing were her flowers.

Just as Fae was about to give up hope, she discovered a bright pink peony laying on the pillows of her bed. Attached to the flower was a folded piece of paper tied onto the stem with a blade of grass. At this point Fae's maid had stopped crying and gotten off the floor, allowing Fae to inspect the paper in peace. When Fae unfolded it, she half expected to find a ransom note. However, to her surprise the letter was actually quite sweet.

A mystic peony for my delicate rose. There is not a flower in all the realm that can compare to your charming beauty, but this peony is a close second. Meet me outside your balcony tonight. Wear something nice, I have a surprise for you, my princess.

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