Chapter VI: The Passing of Spring - Part One

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The raven, the flowerbed, and the gathering

The morning after Elwin's proposal, Fae took the fairies out of the woods, and hid them in the palace garden. She spent the next two weeks making miniature clothing for the fae, hoping that one day, they could live amongst the humans and elves as equals.

Meanwhile, Elwin spent his time planning out how he was going to tell his closest friend in all the realm, that he intended to marry his daughter. Maximilian would either be overjoyed by the news, or feel deeply disturbed and betrayed. It was impossible for Elwin to tell how his friend was going to react, but even so, nothing could deter him from taking Fae to be his wife.

Three weeks after Fae took the fairies to the palace, she and Elwin decided to have lunch in the garden with their children.

"Elwin, when are you planning to tell my father that you proposed to me?" Asked Fae. She only had one thing on her mind, and eating clearly wasn't it.

"I think that it would be best if we told your father together. We would present ourselves to him in his office, him and your mother of course, then I would announce that I wish to make you my wife, and formally ask for their blessing." Said Elwin while feeding the fairies resting on his arm.

"Do you really think my parents will support our marriage?" Fae leaned forward, expecting a promising answer; but unfortunately, Elwin didn't have one. Fae decided to change the subject.
"I do hope we'll have a big wedding." She said, gleefully.

"With an engagement ball and a wedding reception?" Elwin smiled.

"With an engagement ball and a wedding reception that will last thirteen whole days!" Declared Fae, now standing up. "Funny to think that we're getting married when we've never been on a date before." Fae straightened her dress and sat back down.

"Never been on a date? We've been on plenty!" Claimed Elwin in disbelief.

"Really, when?" Asked Fae.

"Like when we first met here in the palace garden." Elwin recalled.

"That wasn't a date you were only tutoring me." Fae giggled.

"Then what about the time we went on a picnic?" Asked Elwin.

"That picnic was only a casual get together between friends." She responded.

"Then what about the time I took you to a commoners fair? Remember when I fed you all those sweets, or all the times we danced together? Was that strictly platonic for you?"

At this point, Fae burst out laughing at all of Elwin's questions, and Elwin felt his face flush hot.

"Oh, Elwin," said Fae in between giggles, "your cheeks turn the most delightful shade of purple when your embarrassed. I'm only teasing you, my love." She stood up and gently caressed Elwin's face. Elwin, still blushing took the opportunity to gloat.

"I knew we'd been on a date before, you can't fool me, princess." He began to laugh along with Fae, as she sat down and finally started to eat. If only this moment of peace could have lasted forever.

Caw, caw! Caw, caw!

"Did you hear that?" Whispered Elwin, his eyes began to dart around the garden.

"Hear what?" Asked Fae.

Caw, caw!

"That!" Elwin stood up and started to walk around. This time, Fae heard the noise too.

"It sounded like a bird." She said in observation.

"It sounded like a mystic bird." Added Elwin.

"What's the difference?" Fae wondered aloud. Before Elwin could answer, they found themselves standing in front of the culprit.

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