Book 1/2
"Who the hell is there!" Henry yelled angrily as he looked around the dark alley.
"Aurora, from class" she smirked as she took a hit from her joint.
Aurora Denbrough, 15 years old. The older sister of Bill and Georgie Denb...
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Chapter 2 Welcome Ben and Beverly
It was a few days later and Rory was walking around town to clear her mind. She walked towards the kissing bridge as it was called when she heard yelling. "What the?" She asked herself as she saw blood on the ground.
She jumped over the short fence and slid down the steep hill. As she got down she heard yelling. "Don't just stand there! Find him! And you help me find my knife!" It was Henry.
"Oh shit. This can't be good" she said to herself as she hid behind a tree. She slowly made her way to the river. Trying not to make much sound. As she got there she saw a little kid laying in the water. Trying to stand up.
"Shit. Are you okay?" She asked softly and he turned to her scared before slowly relaxing. "Don't worry I'll help you" she said softly as she got in the water. Walking towards him to help him up. The two walked for a bit. Aurora helping and holding him steady as they walked.
Her brother and his friends soon appeared and helped. "I'm Ben" the hurt boy said quietly. "I'm Aurora. That my brother Bill, Richie, Eddie and Stanley" Rory said smiling.
"Let's get you patched up now" she said as they walked away to get to the pharmacy. Once they arrived they helped him sit against a wall in the alley as Rory, Bill and Eddie walked inside.
"You've got an account here? Right? Why don't you just use it?" Rory asked and Eddie sighed. "Are you kidding? If I do that and my mother sees it. I'll be in the hospital for a month. Doing tests and shit." He said before he grabbed his inhaler.
"Oh, hey?" A girls voice said from behind them. They all turned to see it was a girl with ginger hair. She looked to be the same age as the boys. Clearly younger than Rory.
"Do you need help?" She asked softly. "Oh and I'm Beverly" she smiled. "Aurora, that's Bill, and Eddie" Rory smiled.
"We could use some help. We don't have enough money to buy this" Rory said as she pointed to the things to help patch Ben up.
"I'll distract him and you guys can run out" she smiled and Aurora smiled back. This girl was something else. Not at all what the rumors said her to be.
Beverly distracted the old man at the cashier. She tried his glasses. And when she went to hand them back she knocked over a tray of things. That was their cue to leave. And so they did.
As they ran out and to the alley Rory grabbed the things to patch Ben up. "Back off. I'm the oldest. I've done this before" Rory said as the boys tried taking the things to patch him up. They backed away and let her help.
"This might sting a bit" Aurora said softly as she put alcohol on a cotton pad to clean his wounds. As she started to clean the wound Beverly walked over to them. "Ben? Ben from soc class?" She asked as she hurried over.
"What happened?" Bev asked worried. "I just ran into some trouble" he said quietly. Wincing as Rory cleaned his wounds. "Yeah right into Henry Bowers and his goons" Richie said making Rory hit his leg. "Ow, what. It's true" Richie groaned.
"S-S-Shut up R-R-Richie" Bill stuttered as he glared his way and Richie put his hands up in defense. "Alright. Alright" he said as he backed away.
Aurora had finished cleaning Ben's wounds and put on a big band aid before putting a bandaged around it. To keep it secure. "Well. Looks like you've got it covered Aurora" Bev smiled. Earning a sweet smile back from Rory.
As Bev started to walk away Bill walked up to her. "Hey, uhm w-w-we were thing a-a-bout going t-t-to the quarry. T-t-tomorrow. If you wanted to come?" Bill stuttered. A sweet smile on Rory's face. She saw that her little brother like the girl. It was sweet.
"Yeah. Sure. I'll see what I can do" Bev smiled before waving and walking away.
"Did you just invite a girl?" Richie asked. A smirk on his face. "Yeah, he did. I'm proud of you little bro" Rory smiled as she stood up. "Ben. You'll need to change the band aid every day. At least once. Twice if possible. But other than that you should be fine" Aurora smiled.
"Thank you Aurora." He smiled back. They all helped him up. "Rory? Y-y-you want to come with us?" Bill asked quietly. "I wish but I have plans with Sarah. Besides you guys should have fun tomorrow. With people your own age" Aurora joked making them all laugh.
"I should go. But if anything happens. Don't hesitate. Get to a phone, call me or run home and get me!" Rory said sternly. They all nodded.
Aurora was like a mother to them. And a babysitter. She always made sure they were okay. If anything happened to them they would have to deal with her.
She vowed to protect them with her life. Something she's kept. Especially after Georgie disappeared. "O-o-okay. See y-y-you later" bill said with a smile and hugged her before she walked away.
"Have fun boys. But not to much fun" Rory joked as she waved at them. They all laughed. "Your sister's hot" Richie said making Bill hit his arm hard. "Ow. What it's true!" He smirked.
"S-s-shut up Richie" Bill joked and they all laughed.
That's it for this chapter. How'd y'all like it? I loved it. And it was fun to write. I added my own twist to this lol. Obviously.
Anyways hope y'all had or will have an amazing day! Much love Emma<3
Word count: 1020 Posted: 19th october 2023 Updated: ?