014. Last goodbye

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Chapter 14Last goodbye

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Chapter 14
Last goodbye....


Aurora woke up early the next day. Well early and early. She woke up around 8:30am. She quickly got ready. Went down stairs to eat.

Once she was done she said goodbye to her parents and went to the alley. It was currently 10:14am.

She didn't only go to the alley to say goodbye to Henry if he was there. She also went there to smoke. She fucking needed it.

Once she arrived she saw him sitting there. Aurora sighed and slowly walked over. Keeping her distance.

"Rory? What are you doing here?" He asked as he smoked what looked like a joint. "I came here to smoke Henry..." she said quietly.

He didn't say anything and just kept looking at the ground. Aurora took out her cigarette and lighter. Lighting it before taking a puff. Slowly exhaling the smoke.

He got up and walked to her slowly. Making her back away. "Aurora.... I'm sorry" He said quietly. He looked hurt. "Henry don't" she said quietly.

"I'm fucking sorry Aurora. I don't know what the fuck happened to me" he said pissed off. But not at her. At himself for hurting the one he loves.

"Henry you tried to fucking kill me!" She said angrily. "I know Aurora. I fucking know and I regret every second of it!" He yelled. He walked closer.

Aurora still backed away to keep distance. Her back hitting a wall. "Henry! If you'd pushed me a little bit more I would have fallen down the well to my death!" She said pissed. Tears falling down her cheeks.  "You tried to fucking kill me and Mike! Who's to say you'd have stopped there!" She added. She looked away not wanting to look him in the eyes.

She was hurt. Emotionally.

"Aurora I'm so fucking sorry. That wasn't me! I swear! I don't know what happened" he said. His eyes showed that he regretted it.

"I don't know what to believe...I'm sorry Henry. But we're over. We're done." She said. Tears continued to fall down her face.

He sighed nodding. "Fine. But just know that I'll be waiting for you Princess. If you ever decide to give me a second chance..." he said and slowly walked away. But turned back around. Taking something from his pocket. "I wanted to give you this a while ago. But I forgot" he said quietly as he handed her a locket mecklace.

She hesitated but took it "thanks" she said quietly. He nodded and walked away.

They were over. She didn't want it to be but it was. A huge part of her still loved him deeply. And all of him still loved her.

After another hour of sitting in the alley. Smoking her second cigarette she made her way home.

Once she got home she looked around. The hallway full of boxes. "There you are Aurora. Come, it's time to eat." He mother said and she smiled. "Sorry. I went for a walk after saying good bye to everyone" Aurora answered softly and her mother nodded.

"It's okay. Now are you sure you've packed everything?" Her mother asked and Aurora nodded. "I'll double check though" Rory added and her mother nodded.

After eating lunch Rory went to her room and and triple checked if she got everything. And it looked like she did. Everything except the necklace Henry gave her.

She didn't know if she wanted to keep it or not. But the part of her that still loved Henry told her to keep it. So she put it on. Letting out a deep sigh. "Welcome to Derry" she said to herself as a joke. A small smile on her face before taking the last few boxes down stairs.

Everything was packed in the car now. The family looked at the house one last time before getting in the car. "New York here we come" Bill and Auroras dad said smiling.

And so they were off. Leaving their old life behind. This was perfect for a fresh start. Just what their family needed.


That's it for this chapter. I know it's short but bear with me lol. Anyways hope you all liked it. I actually did. I loved writing this book. It made me smile 24/7 and still does.

Have an amazingly good day beautifuls!!

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!! AHHHH <3 Goodbye 2023 and hello 2024 <3 hope this year will be better than all the years before lol

Much love Emma🤍

Word count: 750
Posted: 31st December 2023
Updated: ?

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