006. Bloody place

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Chapter 6Bloody place

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Chapter 6
Bloody place


Sarah and Aurora biked with the Losers gang on their bikes. On their way to Beverly marsh's House.

"Hey, you guys made it" Bev said softly. "Who's that?" She asked as she looked at Sarah. "Oh, sorry I'm Sarah. Richie's older sister" she smiled and Bev nodded. "So why'd you ask us to come?" Aurora asked. "It's better if I show you" bev said awkwardly.

They all nodded and followed her up to her apartment and to the bathroom. The second Bev opened the door there was blood everywhere.

"Holy shit" they all said in unison. "You can see it?" She asked shocked and they all nodded. "Uh yeah we can see it" Rory said as she looked around.

"Well let's get to cleaning cause this won't clean itself" Sarah said and all of them nodded. They grabbed things. Buckets, mops, sponges, paper towels. Anything to clean all the blood away.

Once they were done they all looked exhausted. "Well that was not fun" Aurora sighed. Sitting down and leaning against the wall. "So Aurora. When the hell did you and Henry freaking Bowers get together?!" Richie said and Rory looked his way.

"W-w-what?" Bill said shocked. All of them looked at her. "Look I know what he's done to you.... But if you actually get to know him. He's not so bad" Aurora said quietly. She looked down and fiddled with her hands.

"Not so bad! He's a psycho" Richie said annoyed and Sarah interrupted. "Shut up Richie!" She told her younger brother angrily. "Fine."

"I should leave" Rory said quietly as she got up. "Rory wa-" Sarah said but Rory stormed out. "Nice going Richie!" Sarah said angrily. "R-r-Richie's right. But y-y-you didn't have t-t-to be so rude" Bill said. The last part being towards Richie.

Everyone ran out after Aurora. "Rory w-w-wait" Bill said. "Richie didn't mean it" Eddie said softly. "No, it's okay guys. I understand." Aurora said quietly a weak smile on her face.

Stanley walked up to her, hugging her. The others soon joining. Rory chuckled at the sweet gesture and didn't hesitate to hug them back. "I'm sorry hotstuff" Richie said making Rory laugh out loud. She hit his head jokingly.

"Ow, geez sorry" he laughed "so we good girly?" Richie asked and she nodded. "Yeah we good"

"But you better promise not to change" Stanley and Eddie said and Rory smiled. "I cross my heart and hope to die" she joked and they all laughed again.

Aurora and Sarah were like older sisters to the boys. Even Ben. The new kid. "Let's head to the barrens now like we promised Bill" Ben said and the other boys nodded.

The group slowly headed to the barrens. They were walking on a street. Guiding their bikes next to them. "I-I saw something too" Bill said and they all stopped walking. Suddenly the boys conversation was interesting.

"What did you see?" Eddie asked. His breathing becoming shallow so he took out his inhaler. "I s-s-saw Georgie... in the basement..." Bill stuttered. Aurora looked his way. A saddened look in both of their eyes.

"Bill? Are you okay?" Rory said softly as she walked up to her brother. He shook his head. "I saw something too" Aurora said quietly. "What did you see?" Bev asked as all of them started to walk slowly again.

"I saw myself. Something I'm scared to become.. I think. That this thing shows us what we're most scared of" Aurora said softly and all of them nodded agreeing.

"I keep seeing this old lady" Stanley said and Richie asked yet another stupid and weird question. "Was she hot?" Aurora snorted. "No richie. She wasn't. She's weird and her face has a weird shape." Stanley said annoyed.

As the group continued to make their way to the barrens. "O shit that's belch Huggins car. We should probably get outta here" Eddie said but they didn't. "Wait isn't that some home schooled kids bike?" Bill asked pointing to the bike. "Yeah that's Mike's" Eddie said. They all dropped their bikes on the ground.

They quickly made their way closer to the river only to see Henry and his gang beating up Mike.

"What the?" Sarah said as she saw Patrick. Her boyfriend beating him up. Shoving his face in the meat on the ground.

Beverly picked up a rock and threw it at Henry. Hitting him in the head. "Let him go asshole" Richie yelled at them. Henry only smirked.

Mike made his way over to their side of the river. Sarah and Aurora quickly helped him up. He was too weak to stand on his own.

While the two girls helped Mike the rest of the younger gang behind them picked up rocks.

"You losers are trying to hard! And whose side are you on Princess?!" Henry said angrily. "You know. She'll do you. You just gotta ask nicely, like I did" Henry smirked as he grabbed his groin. Pulling his hands up. He was talking about Beverly.

"Fuck you" Aurora yelled. As she was about to throw a rock Ben yelled and threw one. Hitting him in the head. It turned into a rock fight. While every one threw rocks. Henry and Patrick made sure not to throw towards Aurora or Sarah.

They didn't want them to get hurt. Sure they were assholes just now but still. They cared for their girls. As Patrick, Victor and Belch ran away. Henry later on the ground. Covering his face as the boys continued to throw rocks until the two older girls told them to stop.

The gang quickly made their way away from the scene. Helping Mike walk. But Rory stayed for a few seconds longer.

"Henry..." she said softly. He looked her way. "We can't be together if you're gonna be like that towards my brother. Or his friends. I'm sorry" she said quietly. Turning to walk away but his voice stopped her.

"Wait Rory" he said after her. Still in the ground. "I-I'm..." he started but paused for a moment. "I'm sorry..." he said quietly... "I'll change. But don't leave me" he said. Almost begging.

She smiled weakly. "If leave my brother and his friends alone. I might stay" she said softly. A small smile on her face. "I won't promise anything princess. But I'll try" he said quietly and she nodded. "That's what matters to me Henry. As long as you try" she smirked and walked away.

She had a feeling he would actually try. That he actually meant what he said just now. But it wasn't going to be easy.


That's it for yet another chapter. I JUST LOVE WHERE THIS IS GOING!!!! Lol I love this book so much and the chemistry between Aurora and Henry. Ugh! Murder me already lol.

Anyways hope you have a beautiful day you pretty bitches! Much love Emma<3

Word count: 1170
Posted: 14 November 2023
Updated: ?

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