Book 1/2
"Who the hell is there!" Henry yelled angrily as he looked around the dark alley.
"Aurora, from class" she smirked as she took a hit from her joint.
Aurora Denbrough, 15 years old. The older sister of Bill and Georgie Denb...
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Chapter 3 What the hell is that?
Rory decided to walk to the forest. Before heading home. She needed some more time for herself before she went home to the depressing house. Where the parents were never home and when they were they never talked to their kids.
As Aurora was walking she took out her cassette player and head phones to listen to some music. But before she could play the music she heard a whisper of her name. "Aurora" she heard again.
"Who the hell is there!" She shouted as she looked around her. It had gotten really dark.
"Aurora" she heard again but this time the voice was closer. Almost right behind her. When she turned around she saw herself.
"What the hell are you?" She said quietly. Fear slowly taking over. "I'm you Aurora. The real you" it said. Taking a few steps closer. Rory backed away slowly.
"The hell you are" Rory shouted. The thing started to walk faster towards her. She didn't hesitate and started running. She didn't know where but she knew she was going to get away from that thing.
"You can run but you can't hide Aurora" it yelled after her mischievously. Aurora didn't turn back. She kept running until she tripped on a branch. She groaned in pain. "Fuck" she said to herself. She looked around afraid. "Show yourself asshole" she yelled.
"Mm the sweet smell of fear" it said as it walked closer. A wicked smirk on its face. More like her face since it looked like her.
"Leave me alone you crazy thing!" She yelled. Aurora had scratches all over her face and arms. Rory slowly backed away. "Why should I Aurora? I'm you. The real you. I know what you are" it smirked wickedly. Slowly walking closer until charging to her.
Aurora closed her eyes. Saying the same phrase over and over again. "You're not real. You're not real" when she opened her eyes again the thing was gone.
Rory let out a shaky breath she didn't know she held. She slowly got up and looked around before hurrying out of the forest to get home.
Aurora had never seen anything like it. "What the hell was that?" She said to herself as she continued to walk in the darkness.
As Rory got closer to her house. Still very far away a car with very loud ass music got closer. She turned her head towards the car. Squinting her eyes to be able to see since the car light was so bright. "Oh you've got to be kidding me" Aurora said as she noticed it was Henry and his gang.
"Princess Aurora" Henry said smirking "fuck off Henry" she said annoyed. "Why? I like annoying you" he smirked wickedly. The car slowly driving to match her pace.
"Get in. We'll drive you home Princess" Henry smirked as he checked her out. A whistle coming from his mouth. "I'm good." She said annoyed.
"Don't be like that Princess. Come one. Let us drive you home. It ain't safe for a girl like you out here this late" Henry smirked as he checked her out again. "I feel safer when you ain't here. Now fuck off and bother someone else asshole" Aurora said annoyed as she started walking faster.
"I'll get you one day Princess. Trust me on that" he smirked before he told Victor to drive away. "See ya tomorrow Princess Aurora" he yelled as the car drove away. "Great" she said to herself as she let out an annoyed sigh.
Once she got home her parents were sitting on the couch. "Where the hell were you Aurora. Your mother got worried. She thought you were gone!" Her Dad yelled at her. "And what the hell happened to you!" He added as he saw all the scrapes and dirt in her.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to take a walk in the forest before coming home.... On my way back I fell... it won't happen again I promise" Rory said quietly as she looked down on the ground.
"It better not. Now go to your room and clean up" her dad said sternly and she nodded. Heading up to her room to take a shower before going to bed.
After her shower she got dressed, brushing her teeth before lying down on her bed. She let out a sigh and grabbed her book. "Last few chapters" she said to herself as she opened it where the book mark was.
As she read her book she yawned. She was slowly drifting to sleep until she heard a knock at her door. "Yeah?" She asked softly as she put her book mark back in her book and closed it.
"Rory?" Bill asked softly as he opened her door. "Yeah what's up Billy?" She asked as she sat up. "I just w-w-wanted to see if you were o-o-okay? I heard a-w-what happened" bill stuttered.
"I'm okay. Thanks for checking on me" she smiled softly. "O-o-okay. Sleep w-w-well Aurora" he smiled warmly. Earning a smile from her. "Are you okay?" She asked him softly.
"Y-y-yeah. Just tired. And I m-m-miss Georgie" he said quietly. A sigh leaving his lips. "I know I do too Billy" she said softly. "I'm here if you need to talk. Okay?" She said as he nodded.
"I-I-I know. T-thanks Rory" he smiled at her warmly before heading out her room and closing her door. She let out a tired sigh.
She knew something was wrong but didn't want to push it. "I miss you Georgie" she said quietly before closing her eyes to sleep.
This was far from over. It was only the beginning. This summer was far from over. And would only get worse.
I loved this chapter. It was the first encounter with Pennywise. And honestly I loved it. It shows what she is scared of the most. To become something she's not.
Hope you all had a great or will have a great day. Much love Emma <3
Word count: 1050 Posted: 25th October 2023 Updated: ?