Book 1/2
"Who the hell is there!" Henry yelled angrily as he looked around the dark alley.
"Aurora, from class" she smirked as she took a hit from her joint.
Aurora Denbrough, 15 years old. The older sister of Bill and Georgie Denb...
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Chapter 4 More alike than they thought
(Smoking, slight sexual content.) ________________________________
Rory developed depression after Georgie disappeared. And some days when it got really bad she'd go to the alley and smoke a joint. Just to help her get through it and sleep better at night.
It was a few nights after the incident with the copy of her. With IT. So for tonight she wanted to smoke. It wasn't the same but she didn't want her parents knowing.
Once she got to the same alley she'd sit against the wall in the darkness. Alone with her thoughts.
As she arrived she looked around not seeing anyone and sat down in the same spot. Taking out her cigarette and lighting it. She took a hit. Slowly exhaling.
"Who the hell is there?" She heard Henry ask angrily. Clearly pissed. "Aurora from class" she smirked as she took another hit.
So much for being alone with her thoughts. "Rory? The fuck you doing here princess?" He asked. Still annoyed but slightly less. He slowly walked closer. Looking down at the girl on the ground smoking.
"Hiding from my parents to smoke. You know cause I don't want them to know that their sweet and innocent girl does this shit" she smirked as she took another hit.
"Oh really? And why's that princess" he smirked as he stood over her. Looking her up and down. She had a really nice body. He couldn't deny that. And her voice so soft and soothing. Her blue eyes so beautiful. Her dark dirty blond wavy hair perfect.
"To deal with my shit" she smirked and took another hit. Her eyes meeting his as she looked up. He kneeled down so that they were the same eye length now.
"Who knew that a princess like you would be into this stuff" he smirked wickedly as he reached forward with his hand. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"What do you want Henry?" She asked smirking. The nicotine kick clearly kicking in since she felt calm and relaxed.
"You" he said and her eyes widened. "Hell no. You're gonna go around telling people we fucked and then I'll be the new school slut" she scoffed annoyed.
"Okay so I know I got a bad rep princess but it ain't like that. I swear I ain't gonna go tell em. Or spread rumors." He smirked and she sighed "why should I believe you Bowers? I mean just a few hours ago you bullied my brother and his friends" she said quietly as she took a last hit from her cigarette before throwing it away into a puddle.