000. When it all started

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Chapter 0When it all started

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Chapter 0
When it all started


Aurora sat in her room reading her book when she heard Bill and Georgie talk. She put her bookmark in the book and closed it. A smile on her face as she slowly crept up to Bill's room.

"What are you doing" she smiled as she opened it "Rory" Georgie smiled as he ran up and hugged her. She hugged him back tightly.

"Bill's building me a boat so I can play with it outside" he said excited "oh really? That's so sweet of him" Rory smiled softly.

"Georgie can you go get the wax?" Bill asked and Georgie's smile faded "F-from the basement?" He asked nervous. "Yes. Y-y-you want her to float don't you?" Bill asked and Georgie nodded.

"I'll go with you little guy" Rory smiled and Georgie's smile came back. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" he said excitedly as he hugged her waist tightly.

Georgie was so short compared to her. "You are very welcome" Rory smiled as she grabbed his hand and they walked down the stairs to the basement door.

They stood there for a while. She noticed Georgie was scared so she knelt down. "Hey, look at me. It's okay. I'm with you. And as long as you hold my hand tightly nothing can get you" she smiled softly. Her voice soft and soothing.

He nodded "promise?" She nodded and kissed his forehead "I cross my heart and hope to die" she smiled yet again. Earning a laugh from her little brother.

They slowly walked down. Georgie squeezed her hand tightly. Visibly scared and stayed close to her. Something seemed to have scared him because he grabbed the flash light quickly and turned it on. Pointing it to a shelf.

"What's wrong?" Rory asked softly and he turned to her "I-I thought I saw something" he said shakily. "There's nothing there Georgie. And if there was it wouldn't stand a chance against me." She smirked as she flexed her arms earning a laugh him.

They quickly got the wax and went back up. As Georgie had walked out the door of the basement and went with the wax upstairs Rory heard something and turned around. Turning the flash light on and pointing it in that direction only to see nothing.

She sighed and walked back up. Seeing a happy Georgie who held his boat in his hand. "Yay it's done" he smiled as he hugged Bill. "Rory you want to go outside with me? Bill said he couldn't cause he's sick" he asked excited "I'd love to Georgie but I'm to tired. But if you want we can go and play tomorrow" she smiled and he nodded happily.

"Promise?" He asked as he pointed his pinky out "pinky promise. Now go and have fun. Don't forget your rain jacket or mom would kill me" Rory joked as she messed up Georgie's hair as he ran past and down the hallway

She smiled to herself before turning to Bill. "You keep an eye on him from your window. Okay?" She said softly and he nodded. "I'm gonna go and take a quick nap before mom and dad get home. Okay?" She said softly

"Yeah. Good night. Sleep horribly" Bill joked earning a laugh from her as she walked out and closed the door.

~~ (time skip)

Later that night the police were in their house. Their mother crying hysterically. Asking where her youngest boy is.

Aurora and Bill just sat on the stairs. Hugging each other. "It's not yours or my fault Bill" she said softly as he sniffled. "It is my fault. I-I-I should h-have gone with h-him" he said quietly.

Rory sighed. Understanding why he felt like that because she did too. She felt horrible for not going with her little brother. She felt like it was her fault as well. But it wasn't theirs. But they didn't know that yet.

Tears slowly fell down Rory's cheeks. She just lost her youngest brother. And Bill just lost his little brother who looked up to both of them.


That's it for this first chapter. Honestly I love it so much. 

I hope you all had or will have a good day!

Also sorry for the time skips. It's so you guys just get some back story.

Love Emma <3

Word count: 720
Posted: 14th October 2023
Updated: ?

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