Chapter One

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"𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝, 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖?"

The woman with brown hair and hazel eyes gives a sigh as she hears the radio spring to life. It seems the time of recon was slowly coming to a close. The knowledge she might finally be out of this little hidey-hole she had set up some time ago stirred a beast within her. Many would relate to a wild beast ready to pounce. But she knew better. Her beast was a huntress, and was stalking its prey with intensity. She grabbed the radio, clicking it on as she spoke into it with a calm voice. "This is Angel. What's your status, Dallas?"

Dallas, the Captain of the team that had recruited her. He was from Texas, his southern accent always being present in his tone, even more so when he was angry or annoyed. But Angel had heard him when he was soft, especially when he was speaking to his wife and son on the phone. The others had a habit of teasing him for it, but she had always found it slightly endearing. To have someone you care about so much that it changes you... She shook her head of the thought, listening intently. 

"We got movement on the south side of the building. They're moving the target to the upper floor. We need you to get in, get to the target, and get them out safely." His tone was commanding, but she wasn't surprised. This was the usual mission for someone like her. She was an expert on extracting Targets with what others presumed to be ease. It was never easy, of course, and mishaps had happened along the way, but she was always thinking ahead. Always ready and on guard.

"Copy that, Cap. I'll make my way to the back door." She informed, shimmying out of her crafted cover and crouching low as she made her way down the hill. The building had no guards along the external, this she was aware of. But she still kept quiet, not one to jeopardize the mission at hand. Her ArmaLite AR-10 rifle was held at eye-level, as she scanned the area for any possible threats. The weapon was suppressed, meaning she could take out any oncoming threats silently, but at the moment, there seemed to be no need. She made it to the door, quietly checking the handle. Locked, but that's easily fixed with the lock-picks she keeps on her person. 

She slowly opens the door, clearing the hall as she moves silently. Like a Panther on the prowl, she moves swiftly and silently, checking the few rooms she passes quickly. She takes out two enemies in one of the rooms, checking it over for any viable information. She finds nothing of importance, and her mission continued. She got to the stairs, traversing up them slowly but surely as she cleared the next hall. 

Her sharp gaze trailed over the space, being sure to check every nook and cranny. As her gaze moved, she quickly took out another enemy soldier that crossed her path, his body dropping to the ground. She stepped over his lifeless body, clearing the next two rooms with no further interruption. As she approaches the final door, she was quiet as she grabbed the Snakecam from her waist and slipped it under the door. Checking inside, she gained a visual on two guards watching over a blonde girl tied to the chair. The girl was frightened and crying as she struggled against the binds that held her in place.

The soldier pulls the Camera out from under the door, checking the handle. Locked, once again. This time, silence wasn't necessary. She braced herself, then kicked the door in. It shocked the two soldiers in the room, but two gunshots took them down within seconds. She quickly cleared the room, making her way to the hostage. The blonde girl sobbed, wriggling around in her restraints. The brunette soldier pulled out a knife, cutting at the girl's restraints. "Jennifer, you can call me Angel. Your father sent me and a team to retrieve you. I'll get you out of here safely." Her tone is calm and sincere and the teenager - Jennifer -  looked up at her with slightly puffy eyes, rubbing her wrists.

"Come on." She hitched her gun on her shoulder, watching for any stray enemies. Jennifer stood, her legs shaking a bit. Angel scanned her over, seeing no injuries on the girl. She could see that the teenage girl was shaken, and while she would prefer to comfort the young woman, she knew they had to leave quickly. With so little of a window before possible reinforcements arrived, the soldier had no time to treat the situation with her usual grace and compassion. With a focused gaze, she began to lead the young woman out of the house as she grabbed her radio. "Dallas, the Governor's daughter is safe. I repeat, package is safe and we are making our way downstairs and out of the building now." After a moment, and a quick check for more enemies as she walked, she heard her radio beep. 

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