Chapter Four

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15 minutes.

That's how long it took Aria to clear the building completely and get to the hostage. The man, Miguel, was a little worse for wear. He had bruises and scrapes covering his face, arms, and legs, and his right arm was broken. Other then that, he was alive. He told her they had planned to torture him that day, but were distracted by the gunshots and explosions that were happening nearby. She led the man out of the house, scanning the area for any hostiles. She spotted armed vehicles coming down the road and quickly pulled Miguel down by some bushes to cover them. She watched them drive by, eyes sharp as they did. 

They're heading towards the others. 

She contemplated taking out the drivers now, but that would draw attention to herself and the other man. She was the only one armed between the two, so she decided against it. Once they were out of sight, she quickly ran towards the other houses, somehow meeting up with a few of the Los Vaqueros. "Rápidamente llevarlo a un médico, ayudaré a las demás!" (Quickly take him to a doctor, I will help the others!) She ordered one of the soldiers, passing them as she quickly ran towards the small village. Her heart pounded in her ears as she got closer, her brain whirling with thoughts.

They're gonna die... 

It'll be your fault if they don't make it... 

Just like last time...

She shook of the thoughts as she made her way to the roof of an empty building, laying low as she aimed her sniper at the enemy soldiers heading towards the house. She recalled Alejandro's warning, that even the Mexican Military was in the pockets of El Sin Nombre, and quickly deduced that these must be some of them. They began shooting towards a white two-story building, where she could catch a glimpse of Alejandro, Soap, and Ghost through the window. She began firing on the soldiers as well, taking a few of them out one-by-one. She spoke into her radio as she took out another. "Bravo Team, this is Angel providing cover fire. Enemy has gas grenades, I repeat, enemy has gas grenades. Y'all get out of there fast!" 

She shot down a few more soldiers, unclipping one of her grenades and launching it at a group of them carrying shields. It scattered them, but some of the remaining soldiers returning her fire when they realized her location. She took cover, crawling backwards and towards the back of the small building, quickly descending from the roof as she jumped down. She rolled into the fall, standing quickly as she spotted Soap, Ghost, Alejandro, and two other soldiers running down the hill that led into the mountains. She ran after them, clicking her radio. "Coming up on your six, enemy troops  still approaching." She warned, catching up to them. Soap glanced over at her, nodding. "Copy tha'. Nice shootin' there, Lass." She nodded, keeping up with the group. 

Alejandro spoke of a trail that would get them to a bridge where they could call for exfil. They moved through the mountainside, engaging in the waves of troops as they moved. All the while, Aria's heart continued to pound in her ears as she tried to stay focused on getting out of this alive and with the small group still intact. Even after the loss of two soldiers, she tried to keep a level head. They jumped, climbed, and slid down rocks as they made it to a sudden drop into a cliff. 

"You led us to a dead end, mate!" Ghost shouted, glancing between Alejandro and the way they came. Aria looked down to see a lake, with a river trailing through it. Realizing Alejandro's plan, she cursed under her breath. "We jump from here! Don't lose your weapon!" Alejandro shouted, as he jumped from the cliff, pushing off to be sure he wouldn't hit the rocks. Aria didn't watch him do so, firing at a few soldiers who were getting too close. "You're next, Mactavish!" Ghost shouted, Soap hesitating for only a moment before jumping off as well. Ghost turned to her as she finished taking down the small group of soldiers. "Now you!" She nodded, her heart still pounding as she took a running start, gripping onto her rifle tightly as she jumped from the cliff.

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