Chapter Six

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She wasn't nervous.

At least, that's what Aria always tried to tell herself. Of course, that wasn't always the case. She was usually very level headed when it came to any kind of infiltration mission like this, but there was always that bundle of nerves that made her stomach twist. Like Soap had stated, there was a very high risk she might not make it out of here if she didn't do well. So yes, she was nervous. But it didn't show. She would never let it show, not when she had to save face.

A vehicle dropped her off half a mile away from the house. It was as close as they could go without being spotted, and while she would have preferred to be closer, she knew stealth was key here. If they knew she arrived with a military-grade armored vehicle, it would most likely dissolve to them shooting on sight. So, she walked. She walked right up to the gate. Two armed guards greeted her, and her hands stayed raised to show them she wasn't a threat. Not yet, anyway.

One shot the ground at her feet, and she stopped in her tracks. "¡No se mueva!" (Do not move!) They shouted. One came to stand in front of her, the other just behind her. In a swift movement, the one behind her had hit the back of her knees, causing her to land harshly on her knees. She kept her hands raised, not wanting to give either man a reason to shoot her. "Estoy aquí para conocer a tu jefe. tengo información." (I'm here to meet your boss. I have information.) Aria spoke, her tone calm and showing no fear. Neither man spoke for a moment, before one of them put their hand on their ear. A comm line, most likely. 

He nodded to the other, and pulled a black bag over her head. Aria was unable to see, as one of the guards pulled her to stand. She made no sound as he pat her down for weapons of any kind, though she could feel his hands lingering on her in certain areas. She had to hold back the warning growl she wanted to give, knowing that as long as she complied, they wouldn't kill her. She was shoved forward by a hand, nearly making her fall. She caught herself quickly, walking forward at a simple pace. A hand led her forward, and she walked without argument. At one point, the bound her hands in front of her.

It took a few moments, but she was eventually stood against a wall. She could hear the ding of an elevator, and knew she was being taken somewhere. A hand grabbed her mask, taking it off of her. Her eyes adjusted to the light, and her eyes met familiar ones from behind a gray ski mask. "Hermana." Aria gave a slight smirk. "Good to see you, Alejandro." She was glad to have someone watching out for her, even if she knew this moment had to be kept brief. "Listen, give them good intel in there. Don't lie. Tell them everything they want to know. Or you will die here." He warned, his voice low and a hand on her shoulder. She nodded simply. "Its not my first rodeo, Hermano. I can handle it." She reminded him. He said nothing more, standing off to the side as the elevator doors opened.

Standing there was a bald man with a scruffy goatee and tan skin. He wore a button-up tan patterned long sleeve and jeans, and had a holster on his upper body that held a few weapons. He looked Aria up and down and chuckled. "¿Es ella?" (It's her?) He asked Alejandro, who gave him an affirmative answer. He continues to look her up and down, stepping slightly closer. "You got a name, Senora?" He asked her. She gave him nothing but a blank stare for a moment before she spoke. "They call me Angel." He laughed, and for a brief moment, she allowed herself to imagine what it would be like to punch this man in the crotch. She didn't let her expression change, but it was a satisfying image at least.

"El nombre te conviene." (The name suits you.) He said, and though she didn't respond, he didn't seem to require one. "Let's go." He turned, and Aria followed him out of the elevator. One of the guards nearby shoved her to hurry her up, and she shot him a glare as she followed the man. "You don't meet with the boss until I say so. You might have some valuable information, but if isn't good, it won't end well for you. You do not speak unless you are spoken to." The man spoke as they walked down the hallway. You sound like my mother, you bastard. And every other guy I've ever given a black eye to. Lucky I can't just shut you up right here and now. She let her thought simmer without changing the expression on her face.

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