Chapter Three

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Aria had slept on the flight instead of her hotel room.

Time was of the essence, and they were short on it already. So after a half hour of driving to a nearby military base, she was now in the air, only minutes away from landing at Las Almas. She would be meeting up with two of TF-141's operators, as well as Colonel Alejandro Vargas, a mexican special forces operative. According to the intel she was given, he and two other soldiers had confronted Hassan two days before, and while one was nearly left in the house to burn as the terrorists had set it on fire, the other had been captured. Her main task was to extract the hostage from where he was being held, while the others would focus on finding Hassan. If all went well, they could interrogate Hassan for information on the missiles he had in his possession.

It still shook her to know that a terrorist from Iran somehow got his hands on USA Military missiles. From what both Laswell and Price had divulged, nobody knew for sure how he had gotten them, but their primary objective was to find out if there were more, as well as stop them from launching. Aria stretched a bit in her seat, hearing the Pilot say that they were landing. Her skin crawled slightly at the thought of having to interact with so many people all at once, but she knew it would be a short interaction at best.

While they would be heading to a remote safehouse owned by the Cartel, she would be taken to a different building nearby. That is where they had pinged the taken soldier's location before his phone was destroyed, and with any luck, he would be there alive. She had already mentally prepared herself for the work ahead, knowing that at best the man would be covered in bruises and at worst... She tried not to think about it for too long as she stood from her seat.

 She tried not to think about it for too long as she stood from her seat

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(Outfit Described without the scarf and gloves are fingerless^)

The plane's hanger door opened, and she walked down the ramp, her gear in her dufflebag and carried over her shoulder as her boots made contact with the hard metal beneath her. Her hair was tied back in a tight ponytail to keep it out of her face as her hat sat on her head to protect her from the sun's rays. She scanned the base with focused eyes, noticing a man waving in her direction. Based on his appearance and the photo she saw in the file, Aria recognized him as Colonel Vargas. She gave a short wave in response, walking closer to him. She noticed the two men that stood just behind him, though she nearly did a double-take at the fact that one was wearing a skull mask. But she kept her reaction unnoticeable, not wanting to seem rude.

"Sergeant Baker." Alejandro greeted, offering a handshake. She took his hand, shaking it firmly. "Colonel Vargas. Call me Angel." She gave a nod with her greeting, glancing at the men behind him. "You're just in time. These two arrived shortly before you did." He gestured to the man with mask and the other with a mohawk. She nodded in greeting, offering a hand. "Sergeant Baker. You two are Price's men, I assume?" The man in the mohawk stepped forward to shake her hand. "That we are, Lass. Sergeant Mactavish, call me Soap." Well, that's a choice, she thought to herself, finding the Scottish man's Callsign to be a bit peculiar. He turned to his partner. "This is Ghost." He introduced. The masked man gave a nod in greeting, which she returned. Silent but deadly, I'll bet.

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