Chapter Seven

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"Diego is KIA."

Aria had slipped back on the mask, snatching the keycard from Diego's body. He had gone down swiftly, choking on his own blood after she had stabbed him. He won't be a problem anymore. "Excelente trabajo, Angel. (Excellent work, Angel.) Now get to the elevator." Alejandro spoke into the comms. She nodded to herself, about to step back to the door. She stopped, however, at the sound of voices and footsteps. Shit! Someone's coming! Thinking quickly, Aria rushed to the window instead, opening it and looking out. There was just enough of a concrete ridge under the window to step onto and slide over to the wall next to it, and with enemies approaching behind her, she would have to make do.

Really hope I don't fall off, she thought to herself, swinging one leg at a time out the window and standing on the ridge of concrete. She closed the window behind her and slid over a few feet, hoping that none of the guards stuck their heads out and checked outside. She listened intently as the guards found the bodies, checking the entire room. For a tense moment, she nearly thought one of the guards was about to open the window. But he didn't, leaving the room with the others. She sighed in relief, making her way back into the room. She grabbed her suppressed gun, walking swiftly down the hall and towards the elevator. Alejandro was there, standing guard. "Vamos." (Come on.) She muttered, pressing the keycard to the scanner on the elevator. It glowed green, and she pressed the button to call up the elevator from the first floor. The door opened, and the elevator was empty inside.

Aria stepped in, and Alejandro followed, pressing the button for the third floor. The doors close, and the elevator begins to move. "Here we go." She murmured to herself, checking her ammo and gun once more. It's the final stretch now. We'll find El Sin Nombre and get the info we need. The elevator door opened, and the two stepped out, both of their guards up. "Security Checkpoint is just ahead." Alejandro spoke, checking the door handle silently. "How do you wanna get through?" Aria asked quietly. She could see the smirk on his face as he gestures for her to step back. She does so, and watches as Alejandro spoke to the security guard on the other side of the door, tricking him into opening the door by claiming he was bringing in the next of El Sin Nombre's guests. As soon as the door was opened, Alejandro slammed the guard's head into the door a few times, knocking him out.

"Impressive." Aria smirks, clearing the room behind him as the two make their way to a door leading into another room. They both crouched down, with Alejandro feeding a Snake Cam under the door. This is it. Time to see the face behind the Las Almas Cartel. Aria put her eyes to the camera lens, and watched. She could see into the room, and sitting at a table in the middle of the room was Valeria. She was speaking on the phone, seeming to be discussing a shipment of some kind. Just then, a guard entered the room. His next words shocked Aria as he spoke to Valeria. "Sin Nombre, estás listo para recibir otro visitante?" (Are you ready to receive another visitor?)

Valeria held up a hand, finishing her conversation with whoever was on the other side of the phone, before gesturing an affirmative response to the guard, who walked out of the office through a different door. Aria pulled her face away from the lens of the camera, gritting her teeth. "Goddammit." She growled, her anger clear. When Alejandro asked what was wrong, she sighed, putting the snake cam away. "Valeria, the Sicaria I met downstairs, she's El Sin Nombre." She explained, drawing her gun. Alejandro looked shocked to hear the name, and asked if Aria was sure. "Absolutely." He looked much more serious then before, setting off Aria's mental alarms. Why does he... "We have to move. Graves, Sin Nombre is posing as a female Sicaria, we're moving in. You set?" He spoke into the comms, receiving an affirmative from Graves. "Ghost? Soap?" Aria asked, putting aside her uneasy feeling.


"Good to go."

"Take her alive." Alejandro said, the two standing from their crouched positions. Aria braced for a moment, and watched as Alejandro kicked the door in. Moving swiftly, she shot two of the guards, hitting both in the head as they fell down, dead. Seeing Valeria run out the other door, she moved to give chase, only to have to take cover as another man came in, spraying the room with bullets. Alejandro rolled a grenade towards the man, and Aria waited until it went off before she gave chase to Valeria. Seeing her on the balcony, she aimed her gun at the Sicaria, who was currently being forced to kneel as she was at gunpoint from multiple sides underneath the spotlight of the Shadow Company's helicopter.

As Alejandro covered her, Aria holstered her gun, grabbing Valeria's wrists and pinning them to her back, forcing her to stand. "El Sin Nombre. Parece que la serpiente se escondía a plena vista." (It seems the snake was hiding in plain sight.) She remarked, causing Valeria to scoff. "Hiding? Estoy en todas partes, soldado. (I'm everywhere, Soldier.) Aria handed Valeria off to some Shadow Company soldiers, who escorted her onto the helicopter. She noticed the Sicaria looked back at Alejandro, who had removed his mask. She glanced at him to see him staring after her with an emotion she couldn't read swimming in his eyes, though it seemed o be a mixture of hurt, anger, and betrayal. "Hermano, qué pasa?" (Brother, what's wrong?) She asked, grabbing his attention. He glanced at her, their eyes meeting as he spoke. "Valeria... I know her."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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