Chapter eighteen

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People were coming into the big building one by one some had cameras or video cameras, some of the body guards gave me weird looks or either whispered when I walked by. After everyone was in the building the guys came on and Corey said a few things into the mic, I put my hood up and just stared at everyone who was watching Corey talk.

After Corey said a few things they started playing, I couldn't get over how cute Sid looked in his mask, I felt someone tugging on my sleeve and I looked, it was a guy that waqs trying to pull me into the crowd I shoved his arm away and he just kept on trying to tug back.

"Sir, can you please let go?" One of the body guards asked coming up and the guy pulled his hand away, I looked at him .

"First time on the job?" He asked and I shook my head

"I have been working as the body guard for awhile, Nina Fehn." I said shaking his hand and he smiled, "Jay, it's my first day on the job.. So your Chris's sister?" He asked and I nodded

"Yeah, younger sister." I told him and then felt a tighter tug on my sleeve, I looked and there was a bigger guy, he looked pretty drunk already and he tugged me to the bar that stopped everyone from getting to the stage, he held onto my wrists and made his way to my lower back I tried to push him away but it didn't work.

"Sir, please let this woman go." Jay said and the man didn't, I tried wriggling out of his grasp but he still didn't and he managed to get me over the bars, Jay tried grabbing my foot but it was no use.

"Let me go!" I tried screaming and he didn't

"No way, your mine girly!" He said and I felt his hand cover my mouth, sure it was a pretty gross hand that smelt weird but I bit into his hand hard, he let me go but not before punching me in the back of the head, I held onto the back of it and kept running tears were starting to come down my face.

"Help me!" I screamed running to the front again to look for Jay

"Jay, where are you.. someone, Brody help!" I said again and made it over the bars, Jay came running up to me and I let go of the back of my head blood was dripping down and my hand was all covered in blood.

"Holy crap, we need to get you out of here." Jay said and waved to a few guys who came running over and helped me out, my head was stinging and the screaming started to fade away and so did my vision.

"Nina.." I heard Corey say before total darkness surrounded me..

It went quiet.. until a light was shining in my face and I opened my eyes to see a bright yellow light from a small flashlight, it was taken away and I seen a doctor he smiled.

"You finally woke up." He said and I slowly sat up and held onto my head which was pounding, I winced.

"Wha-what happened?" I asked as I heard the door open a bit and a few of the guys came in, the first one was of course, Chris.

"Nina.. what were you thinking?" He asked and I looked at the floor.

"Ryan, his stepdaughters grad was that night." I said and kept my eyes on the floor, I felt a hand touch me, I looked up it was Ryan.

"Can I talk to her alone?" He asked and everyone nodded and left, it was just me and Ryan now.. I looked back at the floor.

"Hey, I'm sorry about what happened." He said and I sighed

"It's ok, you wanted to go to her grad.. it was the least I could do you did train me when I started here." I said and he looked down at the floor.

"Did anything else happen while I was out?" I asked him and his eyes went wide

"Um.. you know what, I think the others want to talk to you." He said and got up.. what was wrong? I seen him walk out and the other guys came in.

"What happened when I was out, Chris?" I asked getting off the bed and they grabbed my arms and helped me back over to it.

"Your head cracked open a bit from the punch." Was all he said and I knew that wasn't all

"No, I can tell something else happened." I said my voice getting lower.. he looked me in the eyes and I felt anger grow in me.

"What else happened Chris!" I said screaming and trying to wriggle out of the guys grip but they were too strong for me, "You lost it!" Chris said shutting his eyes and covering his face with his hands, he sat down and the guys let go of me.

"Lo-lost it?" I asked.. I couldn't of lost it how?

"We don't know how you lost it, you just did." Chris said and I sat there lost of words.. I lost the baby.. what would we tell Kassie, does Sid know.. Sid!

"Does Sid know?" I asked and Chris nodded

"He found out and lost it.. we didn't tell Kassie yet though." He said and I felt the tears start to well up in my eyes, this couldn't of happened I couldn't of lost the baby I couldn't of!

"Can I have some time alone?" I asked and Chris nodded, the guys all walked out of the room, I just sat on the bed and cried.. I didn't stop, I kept on crying.

Sid's POV

I sat outside the hospital and took out a cigarette, I lit it and took a puff I was angry I was angry that Ryan told Nina to take his place and I was angry that our baby was taken away from us, it hurt that I wouldn't be a dad.. Kassie wasn't mine, she belonged to Andrew not me.

"Sid, you gotta come back in.." Chris started and Anger just built up, I snapped, "No, I just lost my fucking baby does that mean nothing to you!?" I snapped at him and he threw his arms up.

"Sorry man, I know it's hard but my sister is also heart broken." He said and I thought about Nina.. she was probably heart broke too.. I sat down and just lost it, I cried like a baby Chris sat down beside me.

"Come back inside, I think it would be best to talk to Nina." He said and I put out my cigarette and walked back into the hospital, I wipped away the tears and first thing I seen was Ryan walking toward us, I ran up to him and grabbed him by the shirt.

"You did this, you did this to us you son of a-" I started but Chris walked up and grabbed my shoulder, I let Ryan go and sighed.

"It wasn't him, Nina could of said no to him." Chris said and I nodded, I bumped my shoulder into Ryan and both Chris and I walked to Nina's room when we got there I put my ear up to the door, I heard crying and I knew it was her.

"It'll be ok." Chris said giving me a weak smile and I nodded and opened the door, I walked in and closed it behind me.. she laid in the bed curled up in a ball.

I walked over and sat down next to her, I rubbed my hand on her back and she turned to face me, her cheeks stained with tears, she hugged me and I hugged back feeling a tear run down my face.

"I'm so sorry." She said in between sobs which only made me hug her more.. then a thought came to my mind.

"Why?" I asked her as I took myself away and looked into her eyes, tears were still streaming down and she looked down and fiddled with her hands.

"I didn't mean to.. I had to." She said and I sighed

"I was going to be a dad.. that won't happen now, Nina, you should of said no, why didn't you?" I asked getting up and saying to her, she put her head in her hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She cried as a little bt of anger built up in me and I shook my head and left slamming the door hard, Ryan would pay.

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