Chapter fourteen

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I woke up the next day, first day being pregnant, I walked down stairs, Kassie wasn't up yet but Maryjane was, she walked over to me and I pet her then I got a pan out, eggs, toast and sauage then started cooking the second person to come down stairs was Sid who hugged me from behind.

"Morning beautiful, sleep alright?" He asked rubbing my stomach and I nodded, "Yeah, I had a great sleep, how did you sleep?" I asked him

"I slept fine, where's Kassie?" He asked and I pointed up stairs, "Sleeping." I told him as the bacon sizzled, Kassie finally came down once I was done making breakfast and gave her a plate, all all sat down to eat.

"Kassie, did you want to go back to the tour bus on sunday?" I asked her and she nodded, "Yeah, I miss Corey and uncle Chris." She said and I smiled

"Can we tell them about my little sister?" She asked, "Little sister?" I asked and she nodded

"Kassie, we don't know if the baby is a boy or girl yet." Sid said and Kassie nodded and went back to eating, "And we aren't going to tell anyone yet, it's going to be a surprise." I told her and she smiled, Kassie loved surprises.

Later that day while Kassie and Sid were taking Maryjane for a walk I quickly called Hannah to tell her about the baby, she should know I only worried about her telling Corey.

"Hey, Hannah." I said when she answered, "Hey, find out about what that flu was yet?" She asked and I smiled.

"Yeah, I went to the clinic." I told her

"And.." Hannah asked and I couldn't stop giggling, I was going to tell her on the spot, "Well, I kinda found out that I'm pregnant." I told her and she was squealing.

"Oh my gosh, does Sid know? What about Kassie? Do the guys know?" Hannah asked me about a million questions, "Yes, Sid knows, yes Kassie knows, no the guys don't." I told her

"You should tell the guys." She said and I sighed, "I know, and I will Sunday we are going back to the tour bus." I told her

"Ok, what about your mom?" Hannah asked

"Yeah, I will tell her sometime." I told Hannah

"Well, I'm really happy for you and hopefully I can come see you soon." Hannah said and I smiled, I missed Hannah.

"Well come on down here today, I can give you directions." I told her

"Ok, sounds good I will see you soon." Hannah said and we hung up and I seem Sid come into the room, "Hannah's coming over?" He asked and I nodded

"Yeah, does that sound good?" I asked him and he nodded, "Yeah, I think that would make both you and Kassie happy." He said and I hugged him then I looked up at him and kissed him on the lips, I loved his luscious lips.

We cleaned up the house and waited for Hannah, while we did both Sid and I talked for a bit in the living room while Kassie was up stairs playing with her dolls.

"Did you and Kassie want to move in here?" Sid asked and I thought for a moment, I lived in a pretty crappy apartment that I didn't like at all, "lets talk to Kassie about that." I told him

"Ok.." He was interrupted by the door bell ringing, both Sid and I got up to go answer it and of course it was Hannah, I opened the door and she came in with a bunch of stuff.

"I'm so happy for you both." She said hugging both Sid and I, I seen Kassie come down and hug her, "Hey kiddo, excited to be a big sister?" Hannah asked her and she nodded

"Yeah, I'm hoping its a baby sister." She said and Hannah laughed

"Every girl hopes sweetie." She said laughing as she took her shoes off and we all walked to the living room, "Wow, this is really nice." Hannah said looking around and then sitting down, Maryjane came up to her.

"Awe, what's her name?" Hannah asked us, "Maryjane." Sid said and pet Maryjane and then handed us a few of the stuff she came in with.

"It's not much, I found them and some were given to me by my sister." Hannah said, she had an older sister named Amanda who Chris had a big crush on, she had a twin boy and girl.

"Oh look Sid, this is cute." I said holding up sleepers with a dog on it, and a little tail in the back, he smiled and looked through the clothes.

"She has more stuff she could give to you." Hannah said

"That's alright, I have a bit of Kassies old baby stuff hanging around somewhere." I told her and she smiled.

"Ok, we'll if you need anything just ask Amanda has a lot of old stuff she's trying to get rid of." Hannah told us and I nodded, "We will." I told her and Kassie even checked out some of the clothes.

"So have you guys picked out any names?" Hannah asked and I looked at Sid, "It's kinda early to pick any names." He said and I nodded

"It's never too early, Nina, you had names picked out when you were pregnant with Kassie." Hannah said and I remembered the names I had chosen before I picked out Kassie, they were ok.

"I chose Tyler or Emma Rose." I told Sid and he nodded, "Those are pretty good names." Sid said and I smiled.

"Then I seen Kassie and knew that Kassie was the right name for her." I told them and Kassie smiled.

All we did was drink coffee and looked through baby stuff while Kassie played with Maryjane or her dolls, after we were all done visiting we both thanked Hannah for coming over and after she left I started packing up a few clothes and while I was I walked to Kassie's room where Sid was talking to her.

"Do you want to live here Kassie?" He asked her

"Are we bringing all of my toys from home here?" She asked and Sid nodded, "Yeah, it will be just me, you, your mommy and the baby." Sid told her and I smiled and walked in.

"Mommy, Sid wanted us to move in." Kassie said running up and I smiled, "Well do you wanna move in here?" I asked her and she nodded

"Then it's official." Sid said walking up and hugging us

"Go get your stuff packed sweetie, we are going to the tour bus tomorrow." I told her and she raced to her closet and started packing, both Sid and I walked to our room and started packing.

"Hey Sid?" I asked looking into a mirror while lifting my shirt up a little and Sid walked out, "Yeah?" He asked

"Do I have a baby bump?" I asked and he looked into the mirror

"No.. I mean, maybe a tiny bit bigger but you can't really see it that much." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and I smiled, at least the guys on the tour bus wouldn't see the bump.

When we all got packed I made supper and after that we all went to bed, I was scared about what Chris would do when he found out that I'm pregnant, I knew Corey would be happy it's just Chris I'm worried about

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