Chapter thirty-one

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"Where have you been?" I asked Amanda as she walked slowly to our table, something was up but I kept a smile on my face.

"Just ordering, so how are you and Sid?" Amanda asked changing the subject, "Great, he loves the hotel." I told her and she smiled.

"That's good." She said taking a bite of her food, I also took a few bites from mine, "Yeah, so did you find out yet if Chris likes you or not?" I looked up at her and she looked a bit worried.

"Oh no, does he not like you back?" I asked her, and she looked at me and hesitated for a moment before relaxing her shoulders and giving me a sad look, "Yeah, he dosn't." She said taking another bite from her food, I felt bad.

"Mom, can we go to that store over there?" Kassie asked pointing to a children's store and I nodded.

"After lunch we can." I told her and she smiled, we all quickly finished our lunch and started shopping again, Amanda wanted to go shopping at a specific store so she did and I went to the children's store with Kassie, we found a lot of things there.

"Mom, look at this cool toy!" Kassie said smiling and I smiled back, "Would you like me to get it for you?" I asked and she nodded while smiling.

"Mom, why is Amanda acting all weird?" Kassie asked and I shrugged, "Dunno, I guess we will have to ask her won't we?" I asked and she nodded, I paid for her toy and we walked out, we came to the store Amanda was at and were about to walk in when I seen her with Chris, I quickly rushed to the nearest ting that could hide me and hid by it, Kassie was right beside me, we were hiding behind a big plant.

I watched as they talked and she laughed at what he said, what was going on? I seen him grab her hand and she blushed; did he come to the mall to tell her that he liked her or did they lie to me? They became closer and he kissed her cheek and she kissed him lips after, after that they just started shopping.

"Come on Kas." I said as Kassie and I walked into the store up to Amanda and Chris, they seen us and a worried look was on their faces.

"Hey sis, what's up?" Chris asked and I looked at him anger was building up in me, "What's up? Well let me see, I seen you two kissing.. so you both tell me what's up." I said crossing my arms over my chest and Amanda bit her lip, Chris rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well.." Chris started, "We started going out last night.. it just happened; sorry we didn't tell you Nina, I was afraid and ddin't know what you would do." Amanda finished and it just made me more angry.

"So you lied to me?" I asked Amanda and she looked at the ground, "Nina, we'er-" Chris started but I stopped him.

"No, I'm going back to the hotel you will both be lucky if you ever get to talk to me.. I'm so disappointed; with the both of you especially you Chris, you're my brother we tell each other everything." I said before walking out of the store and bringing Kassie with me.

"Mom, are you ok?" Kassie asked and I took a breath out, I had to calm down now, "Yeah, baby, I'm ok." I told her calmly as we walked out of the mall and I called for a taxi once it came we both got in but I took one quick look at the mall and closed the door.

The taxi driver asked us where we wanted to go and I tried my best to tell him to go to the hotel I was at, he started driving and I just sat there in the car trying to process everything that happened today, Kassie was also sitting there quietly like she knew I was upset and when we came to the hotel I paid the driver and we got out taking our bags with us and walked into the hotel nd up the stairs to our room.

"Nina? What's wrong?" Sid asked walking up to our room just as I was putting the key in the lock and I looked at him with a sad expression, he had been at the pool with the other guys.

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