chapter 2: ruinion at UA and meeting in hell

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Hey guys I'm back with the next chapter of betrayed hero in hell and don't get mad at me because I forgot to tell you that I changed vaggie design and give popcross studio credits for his design for the dragons version of Ben 10 aliens.ok so let's get started and here are 2 more harem members ok.

ok so let's get started and here are 2 more harem members ok

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Sera and Lillie.

T=Timeskip and locations
Location: earth

We started off after valt send izuku to hell with the Omnitrix and using it he transformed into heatblast and help cherri and Angela in the turf war and winning.

We changed scene to UA gym were we see class 1a with ass might, bitchko, and slutmi( slut + izumi) standing in front of nezu, the pro heroes and heroines, with the big 3, class 1b, support class, and melissa looking piss along with katsuki and shoto.


Denki:he was the traitor so we beat him up to teach him a lesson.


Shoka:so what bro-

Shoka didn't get the chance to finish her sentence because shoto fire punch her in the gut.


Katsumi: what the hell shoto that's your sister.

Shoto:she ain't my sister anymore because all I see is a slut looking for dicks to eat.


Enji:he right you raped your crush.

Then a argument broke out about whether or not izuku was the traitor or not.

Shota:you guys disgust me especially the girls and izumi because now all I see is sluts and hoes.

Ass might:You shut up you!

Before ass might get the chance to punch shota they heard a car pull up.

Katsuki(so there here)

Then all of suddenly they felt a powerful heat bloodlust.

Nezu+pro heroes and heroines+shoto and katsuki:(oh shit he's here)

Then the door opens to reveal a piss off guy this is izuku true father:

Then the door opens to reveal a piss off guy this is izuku true father:

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