chapter 3: meeting the ink lord, explanations and the I.M.P.

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Hey guys I'm back with another chapter of betrayed hero in hell plus we are almost closed to 1000 viewers on this story so let's get started.

[]=Telling you something
T/l=location/time Skip

After the attack of the hotel izuku went to his room and sleep the next day he woke up.

Izuku:ughh good damn that was a good sleep but to bad I had to get up.

After izuku got up and changed he left his room and walk in the living area where everyone was waiting for an explanation.

Izuku: so who's first....

Vaggie:are you even a demon.

Izuku: vaggie What the fuck are you thinking I'm am a demon but a devil.

Charlie:then how did you turn into those creatures.

Izuku: that would be this *shows the Omnitrix*

Nifty: what is that?

Izuku: this is what I think is called an Omnitrix that allows me to turn into aliens.

Charlie:wait hold up aliens?

Izuku:yes aliens Charlie.

Nifty: like those people in space.

Izuku:yes but I learning more about it.

Vaggie:ok this is starting to make a little since.

Charlie:so how did you get the Omnitrix or whatever it's called.

Izuku then lied saying that he was walking him when a meteor came crashing on him killing him slowly and the Omnitrix attached onto him.

After that half truth and half lie vaggie, Charlie and nifty looked surprised while Angela and husky was drinking and alastra was smiling because izuku can't tell her face expression.

Nifty:So can you transform into one of those aliens now?


Izuku then opens the Omnitrix and scroll through it until he stops at a figure.

Izuku:well let's try this.

Izuku slams down on the watch making a green light blinding everyone but can see this:

Once the light dies down everyone uncovered there eyes to see that izuku was shining blue with a black and green shirt on

Once the light dies down everyone uncovered there eyes to see that izuku was shining blue with a black and green shirt on

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