chapter 7: meeting old teacher and murder family.

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Alright let's get started shall we.
~=flirtatious and seduce.
T/l/VC=timeskip, location,and voice change
We see izuku walking down the street so he can find some parts for his rides as he sat down as a voice spoke.

?????:is this seat taken.

Izuku turns and saw her:
Ms Mayberry.

Izuku:not at all (why does she feels familiar)

?????:thank you *sat down* so your the the famous hell hero that everyone is talking about.

Izuku:yes that's me the alien king but my real name is izuku midoriya.

As soon he said izuku her eyes widen.

?????: izuku as in izuku yagi.

Izuku was shocked.

Izuku:how you know that.

Miss. Mayberry:it's me your favorite teacher miss Mayberry the teacher who healed you up after your bitch and slut of your sister and her friend did.


Izuku eyes widen as he knows her because she was the only teacher that helped him after a beating but one day she moved and then izuku heard that a hero named Martha survived after her killing her.

Izuku:ms.mayberry is that you.

ms.mayberry:yes it is.

Izuku: what happened to you?

Ms. Mayberry explain her story like in the cannon as izuku was quit as he dial on his watch.

Ms. Mayberry: izuku what are you doing?

Izuku didn't hear her as he slammed down on the watch as a bright green light covers the area as Ms. Mayberry saw this:

As the light dies down Ms. Mayberry saw izuku but he was now:

 Mayberry saw izuku but he was now:

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Xlr8: Xlr8!

As Ms Mayberry was shocked as he picked her up.

Ms Mayberry:were are you taking me.

Xlr8:to my boss to explain your story so I can kill that bitch.

As Ms Mayberry blushes as they arrive at the i.m.p. building as they went inside.

Ms Mayberry:so I just go through the door to talk to your boss.

Xlr8: yep.👍👍

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Charlie and her chibi sisters chasing chibi izuku.

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