chapter 8: four-arms vs ass might.

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This is the fight we been waiting for grab your popcorn and seat down as the showdown is about to began.

()=Thought and forms.
{}=Language translated to English.
~=flirtatious and seduce.

T/VC/l/a/n=timeskip location voice change and a/n.



We see izuku walking around the city after he killed a fake because he was about to rape a woman as izuku was walking he got punched in the face launching him back as it was ass might and other heroes with him.

Ass might:stand down villains and your under arrest.

Izuku:how many times have I told you ass might I'm a vigilante not a villain.

Ass might:why does everyone call me that?

Other izukus: because you are a asshole.

Izuku:how about a bet bitch?

Ass might:I'm listening.

Izuku:you and me fight if you win I'll join the villain rehab.

Ass might:if you win.

As izuku smirk: you have to reveal why your son is dead.

As the heros stand back as ass might was smiling.

Ass might:Bring it on *charges at him*

As izuku charge at him as he dial through his omnitrix as he stops at a hologram of the alien he needed:

As izuku charge at him as he dial through his omnitrix as he stops at a hologram of the alien he needed:

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as he slid under ass might as he pressed down on the Omnitrix as a green light went off.

Location:hell. Hazbin hotel.

We see nifty flipping the channels as she stops as she the news was on about the fight.

Nifty: girls get in here our man fighting!!

Charlie, vaggie, Angela dust, alastra,husky,bendi, Caine, ragathas,pomni, gangle, zooble, Moon, and Jax came in the room as they saw on the news.

Alastra:so he's fighting that buffoon. *summons popcorn* popcorn anyone.

Me:*turns around and see the popcorn he had gone as he summons more*

Everyone took a bucket of popcorn and watch.

Location:hell;i.m.p. building.

Blitza: girls get in here izuku fighting that big buffoon.

As loona, Millie and Moxxie came into the meeting area as they was watching there new unbreakable large tv (thanks to izuku) as they grabbed a bucket of popcorn and watch.


Everyone saw the green light as they saw  this:

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Four-arms:four arms!!(Rock voice)

Location:hell; hazbin hotel.

Angela dust pussy was wet seeing four arms.

Angela dust family:I mean who wouldn't.

Me:get the fuck out my studio! *kicks them away*


As ass might jumps and tries to slam him as four-arms grabs his arms and use his other two hands and double punch him in the stomach aka his wound as he cough blood.

Ass might:(how does he kn-)

He didn't get chance to finish as he was launched in the air as four arms jumps and does this.

Four-arms: super move;quad slammer!

As four-arms use his four arms and slam them at the same time at his stomach launching him down to the ground causing a big crator as four-arms lands down in the smoke as everyone was curious about to happen.

They saw all might standing as everyone cheered as the girls in hell was worried until a pair of red hand grabbed ass might neck and lifts him up.

Four-arms:I! WIN! *super kick him in the nuts*

All of the males:ohhhhhhhh that going to hurt.

As the four-arms pressed his watch symbol and is back to normal.

Izuku:*opens a portal* you know what to do.... *Walks through the portal* ass might.

As the portal closes as everyone was shocked that the vigilante: alien king beat ass might as izuku was hugged by the girls because they were scared as izuku went to bed...


Alright guys I'm done and comment if you want this new story:

Titans formers(including transformers ones) male scp researcher/general soldier reader x Skibidi harem x scp harem.

And which story should I continue after I finish the reunion of Optimus prime male reader.


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