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Nico grumbled. "Ugh!"
"What's wrong, Neeks?" Will asked.
"I can't...ugh! I can't get my eyeliner right!"
"Do you..want help?"
"You can do eyeliner?" Nico was confused as to why Will Solace of all people knew how to do eyeliner.
"Yeah. I do Kayla's."
"And how do you know how?"
"I'm not really sure. I mean, I used to do my mom's before her shows, and I guess having a surgeon's precision helps," Will shrugged.
"Ok. Sure, if you can help me, go ahead."
Will walked forward to Nico, and took the eyeliner pen. He pointed to a chair.
"Sit. It's easier for me to do it that way."
Nico complied and sat in the swivel chair. Will looked a little uncomfortable.
"What's wrong, Solace?"
"Um...well, when I do Kayla's, I normally sit on her legs. To get closer. But I'm just gonna grab another chair."
Then Nico did something that surprised him.
"Why bother?" he asked.
"W-what?" Will was the color of a strawberry. Nico gestured to his legs.
"Sit." Will walked back over, eyeliner pen in hand. He sat on Nico's legs, his face and ears still bright red. Nico liked it, he thought Will was cute when he was nervous. Gingerly, Will did Nico's eyeliner and when he finished he capped the pen. He noticed Nico's eyes flitting from his eyes to his lips. Suddenly, Nico reached up and pulled Will's lips to his. Will's eyes widened. He kissed back and melted. He wrapped his arms around Nico's neck as Nico slipped his arms around Will's waist. They kissed for a while until Kayla knocked.
"Will! Come on, we'll be late for the dance!" she called.
"Uhm...I-I'm coming, Kayla!" Will shouted back, turning red as a cherry again. He turned and looked at Nico, who had a wide smile across his face.
"Did you like that, Solace?" he said flirtatiously.
"Shut up, di Angelo," Will said as his lips collided with Nico's.

330 words

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