Tourettes syndrome

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So the people are in 4th grade in this. AU where Nico has Tourette's syndrome. All of his tics are in little *asterisks* (baby stars). If there's anyone with Tourette's (or has a friend/family member with Tourette's) that sees something wrong or that could be fixed, feel free to point it out and I can fix it. I'm not sure about the whole "developing new tics", so if that's wrong please inform me. Also, I had him have a lot of tics because he was nervous.



"Good morning class! I'd like to introduce our new student. This is Nico!"

Will looked toward the door, to see a boy walk in. He looked a little shorter than him, and much thinner. He had longish black hair and wide brown eyes. Something else, was he kept jerking his head and whistling, or making a popping noise with his lips.

"Hi. I'm *pop* Nico. *head jerk*" he said in a small voice. Percy raised his hand.

"Why do you keep doing that with your head? And making that noise?" he asked bluntly. Will scowled at him, to which he shrugged innocently.

"Percy, be respectful!" Mr. Bruner scolded.

"That's *whistle* That's okay Mr. *head jerk* Mr. *head jerk* Bruner. I have *pop* Tourette's syndrome." His head did a little jerk up a couple times, almost like a chicken. Will stifled a laugh.

"What's Tourette's syndrome, Nico?" Annabeth asked kindly.

"It's a *pop* disorder where *head jerk* I have these things called *whistle, pop* tics. The tics are these funny *head jerk* movements I'm doing and sounds I'm making. I can't *whistle* help it. My brain *pop* tells my body to *head jerk* do it. Normally, my tics *whistle* aren't that bad, but they *whistle* get worse when I'm nervous. I have to take tests somewhere else. I can't *whistle, head jerk* help it." The boy fiddled with his hands. Mr. Brunner put a hand on his shoulder.

"Are there any questions for Nico?"

"How many tics do you have?" asked Jason.

"I only *head jerk* have a couple, but I *pop, pop* develop new ones *whistle* all the time. *click*" Nico furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Some kids giggled quietly at his bewildered expression. "The click *click* is new. Normally I just *head jerk* pop, whistle, *pop, pop, pop* and move my head up or to the side. That's *click, click* funny."

"Why do you do those tics?" Frank asked.

"I can't *pop* I can't help it. My brain-" Nico stopped because his tics went a little crazy. His head nodded forward vigorously and he clicked each time. It was a little frightening to watch to the other fourth graders. Nico stopped and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. That's called a *pop* tic attack. I don't get them often *head jerk* I promise. Anyway, my brain tells *pop* tells my body to do it, and *whistle* most times I can't stop *head jerk* it. Sometimes I can, which isn't *head jerk, whistle* which isn't good for my body."

"Well, it's very nice to meet you Nico, and we are happy to have you with us!" Mr.  Brunner said. "Why don't you sit with Will? Will, could you wave?"

Will's eyes widened and he blushed. He waved from his seat timidly. Nico walked back and sat down. He popped and waved. Will chuckled a little and smiled.

"Hi. I'm Will. You're Nico."

"Yeah. I'm *pop* I'm sorry if I *head jerk, click* disturb you too *click* too much," he said, looking at his hands in his lap.

Will smiled. "It's okay. I think your tics are cool."

Nico looked up and smiled back. He popped. "Thanks."

The boys just smiled and blushed.

This was just the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

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