7 minutes

503 12 42

It's not dirty it's actually really sweet.

Might do a seven minutes in heaven one done order time idk.


"Nico?" Will asked. His head was in Nico's lap, Nico's fingers stroking his curls.

"Hmm?" Nico hummed in response.

"Did you know that the human brain stays active for seven minutes after death to replay its best memories?" Will asked. He had been reading a textbook on neuroscience, and found out this fact. It had been on his mind since then.

"Is that true?" Nico asked, moving his book to look at Will. Will sat up.

"Yeah. What would your seven minutes include?" Will asked, his face bright in anticipation. Nico smiled.


Will blinked. "W-What?"

"My seven minutes would mostly be you. I'd have memories with Hazel, Bianca, some of Jason, and Mamma, maybe some of the rest of the Seven. But most of it would be you. Our first date, first kiss, our stargazing date. Primarily you." Will's eyes brimmed with tears. Nico pressed his hands to his cheeks.

"Aw, baby, I didn't mean to make you cry! Come here tesoro." Nico pulled Will into his arms and Will happily cried in his lap.

Will cried a lot, so Nico wasn't phased. When he finally stopped, he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"That was really sweet, Neeks," Will sniffled.

"Well, you mean a lot to me, amore. Tu sei il mio mondo. Ti amo, mio bellissimo ragazzo," Nico said, caressing Will's face and pulling him in for a sweet kiss. When they pulled away, Will had more tears coming down his cheeks and his lower lip trembled. Nico smiled and pulled Will into his arms.

They stayed like that, Will in Nico's arms, as they fell asleep to some random Star Wars movie.

And they woke up still tangled together, which was Will's favorite way to wake up.

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