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Nico sighed with contentment. He'd been away most of the day, running various errands then hanging out with Percy and Jason until late he was also exhausted from the shadow travel jump he had just made. He wanted to find Will, cuddle, and go to bed. He heard an instrument ringing down the hall, and he followed the noise to see Will in their shared "office", singing and strumming at the ukulele in his arms. His voice was heavenly.

"Lost, lost little boy, don't ya know what's coming for ya
Waitin' outside the window, oh yeah
Lost, boy don't ya got a clue now, lost
Boy, you still don't got a clue now
Scared of the world outside
Scared of the world you know
Now I don't know what you're doing boy but ya
need somebody to hold your hand and I
don't know if I'm the right man but you're
Lost, I'm
Lost, let's be
Lost together, shall we baby
Lost, we're

Will strummed the last chord, a C major, and let it ring. Nico smiled and he clapped lazily. Will looked up, slightly startled, and smiled.


"Hey. What song is that? And who's it by?" Nico asked, walking over and put his arms around Will.

"I call it 'Lost'. I wrote it." Nico's jaw dropped.

"Seriously? It's amazing!" Will smiled.

"I have a good muse." He booped Nico's nose. "Let's go to bed."

"Agreed," Nico said with a yawn. Will leaned down and picked Nico up in a fireman's carry, draped over his shoulder. Nico yelled protests, but was too tired to fight back.

Will laid him down on the bed and threw some pajamas at him. Nico quickly changed and flopped back. Will changed as well, and climbed into bed next to Nico. Nico snuggled into his chest and Will's arms wrapped comfortably around him.

"Goodnight love," Will whispered. Judging by Nico's mumbled response, he could tell he was already asleep.

Tee hee so there are no song credits because they go to me! I wrote that 'song', it's very short and there is ukulele accompaniment along with it. Maybe with enough begging and careful consideration and counseling with my friend V who is smart I will post a vid of me singing, playing it. A big IF tho and quite unlikely.

Love you lots and sorry for not posting much anymore.


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