Malevolent the nights amazing dog

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Info, if there is any: How Malevolent got his nickname as "The nights dog".

AU: Opposite AU

Characters used: Malevolent_night/opposite Benevolent_day, Merciful_day/opposite Merciless_night, and Powerful_day/opposite Powerless_night

Type: Short story

Ships: None


Powerful was chilling in his office on the third floor when his door was slammed open. Powerful sighed as he looked up —his mask moving slightly as he does so— to see who just barged into his office when he explicitly told the others to knock before walking in. Not to his surprise the person that barged was one of his coworkers, Merciful_day.

Merciful wasn't a very good person for him to work with anyway, he was more annoying or an inconvenience to Powerful than anything. Powerful was more inclined to getting the job done, while Merciful would just run away at the slightest inconvenience, if you couldn't tell the two were not really good partners —still their leader forced them to work together more often than not. Merciful was panting like a dog that just ran a mile —probably because he did just run a mile— Powerful was confused about it.

"Now just what were you running from again?" Powerful asked, a tired tone laced in his voice. Merciful just stood there, his only thought was should he tell Powerful about it.

"I-um..." Merciful stammered trying to think of what to say as his eyes darted everywhere but where they were supposed to be, which was Powerful's eyes. Suddenly someone cleared their throat gaining the attention of both operatives. The figure had a black uniform that blended in with the shadows, the only possible explanation was that this other person was a night. Not just any night either, the pink tie he was wearing gave his identity away as, Malevolent_night.

"Oh no not you again..." Merciful said cowering behind Powerful as Malevolent made himself known to the two operatives. Merciful seemed to be looking for some kind of safety in Powerful, who didn't really want anything to do with Merciful right now, as you can tell these two are very much opposites of their originals but that was expected. The only sound Merciful and Powerful heard from Malevolent was a faint growl.

As Malevolent walked out of the shadows, Powerful sighed, it wasn't the first time the night had come to see him. Malevolent does it all the time, the thing is this was the first time he came while someone else was around. Malevolent looked slightly angry at the inconvenience known as Merciful, in fact he almost looked like he was going to jump on him —which considering Malevolent won't be that out of the ordinary, he is prone to attack after all... maybe that's why Malevolent's HIS favorite. (Yeah you still cannot know who said "he" is yet, maybe later)

"Night..." Powerful somewhat greeted, Powerful sighed noticing Malevolent's anger with the presence of Merciful. It was never a good thing when Malevolent was angry —which just so happened to be almost all of the time, unless it was just him and Powerful. The only response Powerful got though was just a small scowl.

"Powerful help me! Can't you see it's trying to kill me?!" Merciful stated in a very annoying whiny voice, which just prompted Powerful to push Merciful closer to Malevolent. Malevolent just continued somewhat sniffing Merciful out, kinda like a dog if you think about it.

"Nah, your on your own." Powerful told Merciful with a teasing smile, while Malevolent just continued doing whatever it is he's trying to do. Merciful just stood there perplexed, how could Powerful say that to him? Malevolent soon grabbed onto Merciful leaning into his neck very closely.

"Um... Powerful!" Merciful cried out to his coworker in fear, Powerful, however, didn't care. He had already dealt with enough shit today and he wasn't for more.

"Powerful, help! I think it's gonna bite me..." Malevolent grimaced when Merciful said that, damn was he making hard not to speak or slap the living hell out of him right now. Powerful just ignored Merciful, continuing to do his paperwork.

Soon, whenever Powerful was done with his paperwork of course, Malevolent left with no trace that he was even there. Merciful was absolutely traumatized, why is it always him that Malevolent wants to murder so bad? Luckily Powerful was there or he'd probably be dead, or worse captured.

"You're overreacting, kid..." Powerful tiredly stated looking over at Merciful, which the other couldn't see it because of the FUCKING MASK.

"I'm no kid! I'm literally older than you..." Merciful huffed knowing he was probably going to start an argument with the other just by saying that, sure he may be acting like a child right now but it's not like he does it all the time —actually he does, he just refuses to acknowledge it.


As Merciful was walking through the forest on patrol with Powerful, he saw a familiar face. Of course it was once again Malevolent but what was he doing all the way out on the outskirts of the days city?

Merciful, being the little dumbass he is, attempting to tackle Malevolent —only to be the one being tackled.

Merciful layed on the ground, he had given up whenever he hit it to be honest, Malevolent on top of him looking down with a Malevolent glint in his pink eyes. (I swear I felt so weird writing that...) Powerful just stood off to the side not really paying attention to the other two people, who were probably about to fight. Something Powerful had never thought of before that really matched Malevolent's behavior came out of Merciful's mouth when Malevolent growled slightly.

"Powerful! It's the nights dog again!" That phrase almost set Malevolent off the edge, he was trying his hardest not to maw Merciful right there. Powerful just had a slight look of shock underneath the mask, he hadn't realized Malevolent was there or that he was on top of Merciful for that matter.

"Powerful! How the hell are you so strong?" Merciful called Powerful before turning his attention to trying to keep Malevolent away from his face, he didn't wanna die yet.

At that Malevolent soon got off the other pushing him down more, then leaving again with no trace of him being in that place at that time. Powerful sighed as he went over to help Merciful, as he helped Merciful to his feat he smiled a bit under his mask.

"Yeah, the night dog surely hurt you." Powerful stated mockingly making Merciful turn to him, a look of forced anger on his face.

"How dare you..." Merciful stated, voice no longer fitting the look on his face, gaining another laugh from Powerful as the two walked back to their city, yeah this was enough excitement for one day.

A/N: I actually had fun writing this... hmm, I know exactly what the next chapter is going to be.

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