High school AU famous quotes, anyone? Pt.1

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Info, if there is any: No info, title says all.

AU: High school

Characters: Practical_day, Placid_day, Stormy_day(OC), Horrid_night, Merciless_night, Scary_day, Great_day, Joyous_night, Illusionary_night, Turbulent_night, Pleasant_night, Benevolent_day, Powerless_night, Emotionless_day, and Emotionful_night (That was a lot to write down...)

Type: Random/Incorrect quotes

Ships: Stormy_day (OC)x Great_day (Their relationship is canon as hell so don't worry)


Great to the high school day operatives: You know you guys make me feel old, I mean I get the whole different time period thing but still!
*The high school day operatives look at Great like he's crazy*
Scary in his over exaggerated southern accent: That's because you are old.
Great: Scary... we're the same age...
Scary: Oh, right...


Bene hugging Powerless: Powerless, you're my best friend! You know that, right?
Powerless: Oh... um...
*Powerless averts eye contact looking at the ground*
Bene in an oddly cheerful voice, it's obviously Malevolent and not Bene but Powerless doesn't know that: Say I'm your best friend back or you die...


*Great crying as he walks into the school*
Scary: What happened to you?
Great in between sobs: My mom burned my favorite hoodie...
Scary is now very confused: You mean the one you've been wearing for the past 3 years?
Great flips Scary off as he walks away still crying, yelling: Fuck you, Scary! I hate you!
Great mumbles as he continues to sob walking up the stairs to his biology class: That was my baby, now he's dead...


*Great sits down at the lunch table with Merciless and Joyous taking out his retainer*
Joyous: Woah you wear one of those!
Merciless very tired: I thought it was only Scary that wore those things...
Great sighs: Me and Scary aren't the only ones that need these...
Merciless and Joyous: You're not?!


A/N: Stormy is a day OC of mine, she is also Great's girlfriend in high school, this is also hinting at something.

*Stormy walks up to Great, hugging him*
Stormy: Hello my future husband~
Great clearly annoyed: Leave me alone Stormy...
Stormy in a whiny voice: But you said you were going to marry me today...
Great absolutely confused: I did?!


Great: I'm better than everyone here!
Horrid: Great go to bed it's 3 in the morning...
*Great gasps dramatically*
Great: How could you say that to me! You don't have the right!
Horrid: You know what never mind... I'm going back to bed...


Pleasant: Illusionary, where's Turbulent?
Illusionary making fun of Turbulent: He's probably upstairs combing his hair, so he can be the pReTtIeSt BoY aT tHe PaRtY...
Turbulent, extremely excitedly: I'm going to be the prettiest boy at the party!!!!


*Practical and Placid are at the park, Great and Scary are there to but this isn't about them*
Placid: Oi, mate, I have something to ask.
Practical: Yeah, man?
Placid: Well, if I'm here and Great's over there...
*Placid points at Great who is yelling at Scary*
Placid: You think I would be able to beat him in a fight from all the way over here, mate?
Practical: Highly doubt it, mate.
*At that Placid slowly puts away a double barrel shotgun, don't ask where he got it*

A/N: This was very out of character but everyone was different in high school, kinda like how everyone was different in middle school or elementary school. Imma stop blabbering and continue with the quotes...


*Great kicks down the door to the ELA classroom*
Great: Sorry I'm late, teach! I was doing things...
Horrid runs into the classroom shortly after Great said that panting, pointing to Great: He pushed down the fucking stairs!
Great looks down at Horrid: Push is such strong word, I prefer to call it... giving you a little nudge!
Horrid looks up at Great cleared pissed: Oh, I'll give you a little nudge when I shove my foot up your ass.
Great gasps: Hey! *He points at the ELA teacher* Watch your language in front of the teacher of the year.
The ELA teacher: Boys sit down in your seats, also restricted lunch, both of you.


*Great and Horrid are in a doctors office*
Horrid: My dumbass brother is wearing a fucking suit to his autism diagnosis appointment...
Great after a short pause: It's a fucking special event, dumbass.


Great reading some comment on a TikTok thirst trap video: "Your last name is literally kok"... Wait...
*He looks at the TikTok username*
Great bursts out laughing from astonishment: Oh! Tommy Kok!
Great continues to laugh his ass off for ten minutes: Tommy Kok!
Great after the laughing fit about the TikToker Tommy Kok: I'm 12 years old... just because someone's last name was pronounced "Cock" my ass was dying laughing... My "dearest apologies" to Tommy Kok...


Great after watching a whimper audio video in class, no one but Scary could hear it: *Crys slightly*
Scary looks at Great, terrified and whispers to him: Kill it... kill it before it lays eggs, please for the love of God...
Great equally as terrified, whispers back to Scary: What was that?!
Scary whispers back to Great: Was he getting railed there? Or was that supposed to be a... ooo hot whimper audio...?


Emotionful: And believe me, odd doesn't even describe this one, it's... very strange...
A so emotionless Emotionless: My interest is peaked...
Emotionful confused: Really?
Emotionless: Yeah.
Emotionful: You said that with a complete dead face, so I- I can never tell when you're being serious.
Emotionless with more emotion, which scares Emotionful a bit: My internet is peaked!
Emotionful: Ok... don't do that...
Emotionless: That better?
Emotionful: Nope that wasn't better, let's get into it!


*Bene and Powerless being friends in this AU*
Great after watching Bene hug Powerless: *Sniff* That is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life!
Scary: Even more beautiful than Merciless or your girlfriend?
Great: No... Nothing or no one is more beautiful than them!


Horrid: Can you tell me who your favorite people or person is for a research project?
Great very confidently: Stormy and Merciless!
Horrid: Why does Merciless fit in that category?
Great blushing slightly: That's none of your damn business, dumbass...


A/N: I had more fun with this, can't wait to make pt.2 but not right now.

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