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This continues from prologue part one
Saber's pov
1 years later
(Btw Saber is 17 by now about 18 in like 3 months to so he was 7 when this all started)

It has been a week since the crack appeared in the wall. Me, Lucas, and Ryan have been trying to find resources to fix it but... we haven't had any luck... that doesn't matter though... food matters more and we ran out a couple days ago... because of how the rationing system works some of us haven't eaten is weeks... last time I ate way I think 16 days ago... I don't remember the last time I had a proper meal... but that doesn't matter... my people needed it more ...

We were in the dorms when it happened... me Lu and Ry were discussing how and where to start looking for more food and supplies. But then all of the sudden.

"So I was thinking we go back east" Lucas said "you know to gather any thing we miss on the way here."

"I don't know..." Ryan stated that " it will be more dangerous than just going farther west! With all the land mines, destruction and infected."

"I thin-" I was cut off by Lucas

"But it could be are only hope!" He pleaded

"Well that-" Ryan started


"is just ridicul!"

"Hey!" I spoke fast so they wouldn't interrupt me. For being the leader of our people I'm sure ignore a lot. " did you guys hear that?"

"What?" They asked simultaneously.

"... pffft... um I don't know it sounded like a big bo-"

Just then the alarms went oof. The wall was breached!
We didn't even need to say a word, as we just started to move . I just hope we weren't too late. But I hope they'll flat every reach the halls zombies infected everywhere. We went to the room with her children were held the nursery. They were there too. We start in surrounded so he went to the vents. They followed us. When the vents collapse they were under us. I grab Lucas and Ryan and try to run out, but there are too many of them. The corrupted ones grab them... they told me to run they told me not to look back... I did as they said... I felt like a coward... but I ran. Being next to the wall where the crack informed he took a while to get even close to the middle. I ran through it felt like hours. By the time I had even got to the other side, it was already past midnight. By the time I could see the storage shed I he'd already been run through the long grass. With this new determined, hope I just kept running and running. Until...

'Just got to keep moving. I'm almost the-' my thoughts were cut off by something grabbing my leg "Ack! What the fluff ????"

As the pain came in, I realized something injured my leg as I looked down from where I tripped ... by the time I realized what was happening, was too late.

Is stray Walker hiding in the grass, a small one, no legs, had grabbed one of my leg and bit it. I had right next to it giving it a opportunity, and it took it.

I kicked and kicked until it fell off and got up and booked it to the shed...

By the time I made got in, my leg had been bleeding... a lot.
I locked the shed door in hope to be safe...
But I'm not safe...
I've been bit...
I failed ...
I failed them...
All of them...
There all gone... infected....

I lean myself against the door. As my leg starts to throb more, I start to realize that locking the store isn't protecting me. It's gonna protect whoever else is living.

'I won't be able to hurt anyone in here'

My leg went numb...

The rest of my body followed soon after...

I never thought it would end like this....

Black dots start to feel my vision I start to reminisce in the past . With Lucas and Ryan, by my side, they probably turned to. At least I won't be able to hurt anyone stuck in here.

I gave up on trying to stay awake as I slowly lost consciousness. Last night was that was in my mind was -
' I never thought it would end with extinction'

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