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Mukuro has been taking care of Kirumi for a while now, since she found out that Kirumi was a regressor.

Mukuro learned how to handle it pretty well.

How to hold her, how to comfort her, how to help her even when she's convinced she's big. The knowledge came as Mukuro kept looking after her.

But, Mukuro did not think of the possibility of there being another regressor at the academy.

One who goes by the name of Nagito Komaeda.


"You doing good there, buddy?"

Hajime sauntered over to where his best friend, Nagito Komaeda, was laid down on his stomach, scribbling in a colouring book. The tips of his index finger and middle finger were floating dangerously close towards his mouth. Hajime almost laughed.

"Uh-huh," Nagito nodded.

Hajime's known that Nagito was a regressor for a long while. And Hajime's chill with it. He takes care of Nagito and he bought Nagito his first plushie a few weeks ago. Nagito was wildly impressed. Hajime definitely has a soft spot for the little bagel boy, and doesn't take kindly to anyone hurting him, though he tries to be civil.

"What are you colouring?" Hajime asked, laying down next to Nagito and peeking at the colouring book. Currently, they were in Hajime's dorm, a common place for them to go when Nagito was in little space.

"A cheese," Nagito said simply, and it Hajime had to stop himself from snorting and laughing and hurting the kid's feelings.

Hajime let his eyes wander from the fluffy-haired boy to the colouring page, and saw Nagito scribbling a bright yellow onto a triangular shaped cheese sketch.

"Really? What kind of cheese? Cheddar? Mozzarella?" Hajime smirked playfully, bumping Nagito's shoulder slightly with his own.

"A big ginormous massive amazing block of golden cheese." Nagito responded, his eyes still glued to the page as he proceeded to colour outside of the lines.

"Ah, my favourite kind of cheese." Hajime nodded understandingly, a small smile creeping onto his face.

"'Nata," Nagito murmured, sitting up and crossing his legs as soon as he finished the cheese. Hajime smiled at his nickname - 'nata, short for Hinata.

"Yes?" Hajime replied, also sitting up with the lucky student.

"'m hungry.." Nagito trailed off, but found his voice again. "The cheese made me hungry." He looked up at Hajime with wide hopeful eyes.

"Ohh, I see. Do you wanna eat cheese?" Hajime grinned, tapping the cheese on the paper.

"Noo, I wan' somethin' else," Nagito said thoughtfully. "We will see in the kitchen." Nagito announced, and stood up, already making his way to the door.

"Hey, hey, buddy! Where are you going without your shoes??" Hajime gasped dramatically, holding out Nagito's shoes.

Nagito swivelled around, confused, and saw Hajime shaking Nagito's shoes to emphasise his point. Nagito giggled, heading over to Hajime.

"Here, let me," Hajime murmured, and began sliding on Nagito's shoes. Hajime's always thought that Nagito's choice of shoes were...Interesting, to say the least. Hajime sure wouldn't let Nagito pick out shoes for him. But Hajime doesn't need to say that right now, heh.

As soon as Hajime slid on Nagito's shoes and they were secure on his feet, Nagito bounded towards the door.

"Cmon, quick, quick!" Nagito was practically bouncing up and down as he bounded towards the door like an excited dog about to go on a long walk.

Even brave big kids need breaks | Danganronpa regression ficWhere stories live. Discover now