🗡🖤⚔️👓 getting along💚🕸❤🗡

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Sometimes, it takes a long time to get along with someone.

It can take days, months, sometimes even years. Sometimes it won't happen at all.

But all you have to do is put the effort it, and everything just might turn out okay.


"'Kuro, are you sure?"

Kirumi murmured, laying down on her bed, staring at the ceiling as she hugged her spider plushie tightly.

"Yes, I'm sure, Kiri. She doesn't bite." Mukuro chuckled, ticking a box on a multiple-answer question.

"Bu-But what if she, like, steals my...My..." Kirumi searched desperately for a word. "What if she steals my sock..?!"

Mukuro burst out laughing at this. "Kiri, I assure you, Maki does not need your sock, and she has no intention on doing anything with your sock."

"Hrrmm..." Kirumi mumbled incoherently at this, rolling over on her bed.

Currently, Kirumi and Mukuro were waiting for Peko to arrive at Kirumi's dorm with Maki Harukawa, the Ultimate Assassin. Apparently, Maki, like Kirumi, was a regressor, and the two of them were supposed to meet in Kirumi's room for a playdate to get along, but Kirumi seemed reluctant.

Kirumi would never admit it if she was big, but Maki, sort of...Scares her. Her dark and intimidating aura, the way she says "do you wanna die?". Its all just a bit... Kirumi doesn't quite know how to word it.

Knuckles rapped against the door three times. Peko and Maki must be here.

Mukuro got up from Kirumi's desk and sauntered over to Kirumi, who was now begrudgingly getting off the bed.

"Okay, now be nice, Kiri. Please, for me?" Mukuro asked hopefully, cupping Kirumi's cheek with her hand affectionately.

"...'Kay, fine." She huffed.

Kirumi followed Mukuro closely as Mukuro made her way towards the door.

Mukuro unlocked it, and turned the handle, opening the door.

Maki stood menacingly (at least in Kirumi's eyes she looked very menacing) beside Peko in the door way, whilst Peko seemed oblivious to everything.

Kirumi hid behind Mukuro, peeking over her shoulder cautiously and suspiciously. Maki caught Kirumi's eye and Kirumi instantly ducked behind Mukuro.

Mukuro let Maki and Peko inside, and Mukuro and Peko strode towards the desk to complete some homework the two of them have, leaving Kirumi and Maki with each other.

Kirumi awkwardly shut the door, hugging her spider closely for comfort. She began walking towards her bed to sit down, but noticed that Maki wasn't following. "Uhm...Are you coming?" Kirumi asked, her voice coming out in a sort of afraid squeak.

Maki looked up, eyed Kirumi suspiciously, and then nodded, following Kirumi.

Kirumi sat cross-legged whilst Maki sat with her knees hugged to her chest. Kirumi wished that Nagito were here, then the three of them could play waaaay easier.

"...D'you like stuffed animals?" Kirumi asked. Because Kirumi would be more than happy to give Maki one of her plushies. Not her spider though, it's too special. But Kirumi could give Maki her bear, perhaps?

Maki shrugged, refusing to make eye contact with Kirumi.

Kirumi caressed her chin thoughtfully. "What 'bout your favourite tv show?" She tried. She'd like to know that about Maki, at least.

Another shrug.

Kirumi tried not to let her disappointed frown show, and bit her lip as she thought harder. Kirumi tried to think of all the things she liked to do. Kirumi really liked colouring... Oh, colouring!

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