🗡🖤the dark overlord and his pretty princess💚🕸🐹🧣

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Kirumi really really really loves making new friends!!


"Be careful, Kiri."

Mukuro called out cautiously as Kirumi made her way across a log-bridge over a small river.

Kirumi had been feeling small, so Mukuro decided to bring her to a new place. They decided to explore the more woodsy area of the park, the forest surrounding it. It was like an adventure for Kirumi, and she was enjoying it.

"'M fine, don' worry 'bout me." Kirumi assured, and did a little hop as she jumped off the other side of the log, with Mukuro following behind her.

Kirumi continued her exploration, kicking tiny pebbles and looking in various tree holes. But she couldn't help but feel like she was hearing things.

Some sort of voice, familiar, but unfamiliar at the same time.

Mukuro seemed to notice how Kirumi had stopped dead in her tracks, looking around in confusion, and decided to join her.

"What is it, Kiri? Something wrong?" Mukuro asked, putting a hand in Kirumi's shoulder out of concern.

"No, I jus'..." Kirumi trailed off, her ears pricking as she listened.

"An' this is the special circle of the amazin' Devas of distruchion."

Kirumi tilted her head at the way of the speaking, and the fact that the last word was pronounced wrong. Mukuro had seemed to hear that too, and cast a side glance towards Kirumi.

"Cmon, we gotta investigate." Kirumi tugged on Mukuro's sleeve a little, pointing out further into the woods.

Mukuro frowned a little, already having a clear idea on what they were probably going to find. "Okay, lead the way."

Kirumi and Mukuro set out deeper into the forest, looking left and right. Kirumi could hear the voice getting louder. It's a very deep voice. Kirumi tried listing the people with deep voices, but her mind went blank and she quickly got bored of the thinking.

"We mus' summin the great hamster Deva of distruchion, with my mighty stick."

Kirumi squinted. What were they going on about? It sounded absolutely ridiculous. There was only one person that Kirumi knew with such a deep voice that liked to ramble on about stuff like this...

Wait, Gundham??

Kirumi hadn't realised that she had voiced her thoughts aloud and Gundham was now looking up from the spot where he was drawing with sticks in the mud and looking directly at Kirumi with wide eyes.

Kirumi flinched, realising that his centre of attention was now on her. She looked at Mukuro, and then back at Gundham.

But Kirumi didn't really feel like asking questions right now. She looked down at the lines that Gundham had drawing in the mud on the floor, and she really wanted to know what it was.

"Watcha drawin'??" Kirumi asked curiously, and she sauntered over to Gundham and sat cross-legged right next to him.

A glint of realisation sparked in his eye, and he looked over to Mukuro for clarification. Mukuro nodded with a fond smile, confirming Gundham's thoughts that Kirumi, like him, was a regressor. Gundham hadn't expected the Ultimate Maid to be a regressor. She always looked so...Put together. Gundham wasn't about to complain, though.

Kirumi blinked at Gundham, waiting eagerly for him to answer.

"W-Well, I drawed this here summinin' circle," Gundham tapped a badly drawn star with his stick. "An' this 's a importan' scroll that mus' be protectid, so that the evil monster's cannot get it." He explained on depth, and was a little caught off-guard when Kirumi actually began to listen intently. Usually, whenever Gundham would ramble about the stuff he likes to talk about, the person he would be talking to would just nod along boringly, adding in a few "yeeaah"'s, or "wow"'s. But Kirumi, she was actually listening.

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