Chapter 2

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I awoke feeling like I was being watched. Before I even rolled over, I grabbed the pistol from my nightstand.

"Dean, I think there's someone in the bunker." I muttered, attempting to wake my sleeping fiancé.

"Ugh, Kate, it's fine. Go back to sleep." He groaned, pulling me closer to him.

"No, Dean! I think there's someone in the bunker!" I shouted, finally rolling over.

When my eyes adjusted to the morning light, I noticed that standing before my bed was two half naked people, one male and one female.

"DEAN! THERES SOMEONE IN THE BUNKER!" I screamed, taking the safety off of my pistol.

"Who in hell are you two?!" Dean shouted, grabbing the pistol out of my hand.

"You should know who I am, Dean." The female piped up.

"I have never seen you before in my life. Believe me, if I had, I would have remembered." Dean said, getting that sexy little smirk he always had when he was flirting with someone.

"Dean! What the hell?!" I explained, giving him a good smack upside the head.

"I'm just stating a fact!" He said, turning away from the naked, brown hair and black eyed bimbo standing in front of us.

"It's okay, I understand that this may come as a shock. My name's Baby." She said.

"And who in hell are you?" I demanded, tipping my head toward the brown hair and silver eyed, muscular guy next to the girl.

"They call me Silverback." He answered, his voice very deep and sexy.

"Have ever met you before, Silverback?" I asked, completely mesmerized by him.

"Both of you have met us before, just not in the way you are right now." Silverback replied.

"Why do you have the same name as my truck?" I questioned.

"Because I am your truck." He answered.

"Don't lie to me, pretty boy. My truck is parked in the garage." I spat, "At least, I think it is."

I sprung out of bed and ran toward the garage, praying that my truck would still be parked there. It wasn't. Neither was Dean's Impala.

"I swear, I parked my truck right here last night." I muttered, looking around the garage from the door.

"What's all the commotion about?" A very sleepy Jules asked.

"Where's my truck? Somebody stole my truck. Somebody stole my truck!" I exclaimed, shoving past her into the garage.

"Kate, just calm down. I'm sure there's a logical explanation for this." Jules assured me.

"I am calm!" I shouted, storming out of the garage, "Silverback! Baby! Get your asses out here right this fucking instant!"

"Kate? What's going on around here? Why are you shouting?" Sam asked.

"Somebody stole my truck! The Impala's gone, too!" I shouted, "Dean! The Impala's gone, too!"

"What do you mean Baby's gone?!" Dean shouted, running over to the garage.

"I just fucking told you! The Impala and the truck are gone!" I spat.

I turned around to find the two naked people following us.

"You two! Don't fucking fool me! I know you two had something to do with this! Not only do you have the same fucking names as our cars, but you have the same eye color as the paint. To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if you both had sick tattoos of the license plate and VIN numbers, too." I shouted at Baby and Silverback.

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