Chapter 17

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Jules stared at me from her computer screen as I ran past her on my way to the garage. I'd just gotten my truck turned on to run over to god knows where when I heard her, quite literally, climb into the passenger side.

"Where are you going?" She asked, wiggling her feet as they dangled down from the truck seat.

"I have no idea. Anywhere but here." I said, throwing the truck into reverse and flooring it out of the garage.

"Please don't go to the bar." She said, looking up at me like a wounded puppy.

"Well, that marks that idea off of the list." I said as we flew past Jay Jay's.

"I feel like you're keeping something from me." Jules said, staring straight out of the windshield.

I felt my jaw clench as my stomach began churning. She was bound to find out eventually.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to appear confused.

"I don't know, it just feels like you're hiding something. Especially since Dean has all of us scouring every available resource for new information on crossroad deals." She explained.

I sighed as I turned down the road I always took to go over to Port Catawba. Since I couldn't go to the usual place I like to hide, I figured I could go to the other place I liked to hide.

"Does Dean know about whatever it is you're hiding?" Jules asked.

"Yes." I squeaked as my knuckles turned white from how hard I was squeezing the steering wheel.

"Please tell me." She pleaded, "I want to help."

"I- I don't know. There's not much you can do to help." I said, trying to remember how much longer I had left.

I wished all this was just a nightmare spinning through my head. Only it wasn't. It was life and I was stuck, like it or not, and it scared the hell out of me.

"There has to be something, some sort of way out! I'm your best friend! Just tell me, Kate!" She begged.

"You're already doing all you can! There's nothing else anyone can do! There is no way out! I'm gonna die, Jules! No one can stop it! I'm going to be tortured in hell for the rest of eternity! I've accepted it, why can't everyone else?!" I yelled.

"Wait, what?!" She shouted, her eyes just about popping out of their sockets.

"Damnit." I swore, wishing I could just figure out how to shut my mouth.

"What do you mean you're going to be tortured in hell for the rest of eternity?!" Jules shouted.

"You were an AP English student! Put the clues together! Dean is obsessed with crossroad deals and I'm going to be tortured in hell for the rest of eternity. What do you think all that could possibly mean?!" I shouted.

"I know what it means I just don't want to say it." She whispered, slouching down in the seat.

"I made a deal..." I trailed off.

"Can we go home now?" She asked.

"Sure. Just let me find a place to turn around." I said, slowing down as I found a driveway.

When we got back, we heard a distant scream coming from what seemed to be the dungeon in the basement. When we got down there, Jules and I found Dean and Sam torturing Crowley, who was tied to a chair that was in the center of a devil's trap.

"I told you! There is nothing I can do! The contract is sealed!" Crowley shouted as Dean sliced him open with a demon blade.

"Dean, what in hell are you doing?!" I shouted, storming over to him.

"I told you I'd make sure you lived if it was the last thing I do! What does it look like I'm doing?" He said, turning around to face me, a deep look of emotional pain in his eyes.

"Well, currently it looks like you're cutting him up like a deer carcass. For some reason, I don't exactly think that's gonna work." I commented.

"So Mrs. Squirrel is the one who came crying to Crowley to get her kids back! How nice to meet another member of the family!" Crowley commented.

"I didn't come crying to you. I didn't even ask for you. You just appeared." I spat.

"I'm really looking forward to her joining my team, Squirrel. Who knows, if she behaves I may even let her come back and visit." Crowley said.

Dean rolled his eyes and turned back to trying to get Crowley to take back my deal.

"It's not going to work, Squirrel." Crowley said as he shook the room, breaking to devil's trap.

"Squirrel?" I commented, wondering why in the hell they acted like besties.

"Don't ask, Kate." Dean commented as Crowley got up and teleported back to wherever he came from.

"I don't want to know." I said, raising my eyebrows and crossing my arms as I walked out of the room.

Suddenly, Crowley appeared in front of me.

"I look forward to seeing you in nine months." He said, disappearing again.

After that, the months seemed to fly by. Before I knew it, I had three months left and Dean still had no way to get me out of the deal.



Hello!! I'm sorry I don't update as often, but college comes before writing. Anyway, this book will be coming to a close faster than expected. The next chapter will be the last. I'll bet no one can wait to see what happens! Will Kate get out of the deal or will she be sent to hell for eternity?

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