Chapter 6

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The next morning all of our neighbors looked at us strange.

"I think we made too much noise yesterday." I whispered to Dean when we were walking to the bathhouses.

"They'll get over it." He replied as yet another woman gave us the side eye.

"You do know that we have to leave today, right?" I said.

"We do? I thought you rented the site for three days." Dean said.

"You have to leave on the morning of the last day." I sneered, rolling my eyes.

"Which is today?" He asked.

"Yes, you retard." I said, playfully smacking his shoulder.

Since I only had to use the restroom, I packed up the tent and other camping supplied while Dean took a shower. We left as soon as he got back. As much as I didn't want to leave, I was eager to get back to the triplets.

When we got home, Jules was trying to get Mary to stop crying while Sam was changing Benedetta's diaper, and Deanna was lying in her crib eating her toes.

"Kate! How do you and Dean deal with these three nut jobs?!" Jules shouted as Mary continued wailing.

Dean and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Patiently" I said as Dean grabbed Mary from a very frustrated, angry, Jules.

The sudden change in location made Mary even angrier and she started crying louder than she already was.

"Did you think to feed her?" I tried to ask over Mary's screaming.

"We did that already!" Sam shouted.

"Is she wet?!" I shouted, "Dean, does her diaper need changed?!"

"No!" My fiancé shouted, checking her diaper.

"How often did you guys change her?!" I yelled.

"Whenever they'd cry!" Jules defended.

"Which was how often?!" I belted.

"I don't know, three times a day?" Jules shouted.

"Jesus Christ, Jules! That's not enough! She probably has diaper rash! Dean, give me the damn baby!" I said, grabbing Mary.

I put her down on the changing table next to Benedetta and opened up her diaper. Sure enough, she had a bad case of diaper rash, and she had a diaper full of everything she could have loaded it with.

"You guys are fucking idiots!" I shouted, promptly throwing the tied up, poopy diaper at Jules.

"Sam, she's gonna kill us!" Jules shouted, running to hide behind her boyfriend.

"You can run but you can't fucking hide, Julianna!" I shouted, pulling her out from behind Sam by the back of her shirt collar.

"Kate! Kate! I'm sorry! I didn't know! Don't hurt me!" She pleaded, throwing her arms in front of her face when I held her against the wall.

"I trusted you to care for my children and this is what I return home to?! I'd have gotten better care if I left her with a group of shifters!" I bellowed, pushing her harder into the wall, my forearm pressed against her upper chest.

"Kate. Stop. You're hurting me!" Jules whined.

"You're lucky I can manage to find it in myself to give a damn." I said, releasing her from the wall, running off to the kitchen.

"Kate! Where are you going?" Dean asked, following me out the door.

"Don't follow me!" I spat, continuing my walk to the kitchen.

I pulled out a pan and some flour and proceeded to use a trick my mother taught me for easing diaper rash pain. Once I'd calmed down enough to enter the nursery again, I put my fried flour concoction into a plastic Tupperware container and returned to aiding my daughter.

"Are you coming back to return trying to murder me?" Jules asked, clutching onto Sam.

"No." I said, answering her question but otherwise ignoring her.

Once I got the flour mixture onto Mary's backside, she started to stop crying.

"Wow. As much as you always said you hate children, you're surprisingly not terrible at this whole parenting thing." Jules observed.

"Oh please, I'm barely keeping these things alive." I said, letting out a slight chuckle, "Dean's the one that's good at it."

"You're good at parenting too, Kate. You just don't give yourself enough credit." Dean said.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go with that. After all, the last child I was given I unknowingly fed to the shifters. Real great parenting." I spat, buttoning up Mary's onesie.

"That wasn't your fault." Jules said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Actually, no. That was a mixture of me and my dumbass brother-in-law. The part where I came in was trusting my daughter with him while I ran to the store." I said, laughing at a memory of Ben's brother trying to change Devin's diaper.

"Neither of you would have known how to kill a shapeshifter. If you had been there, you'd have been killed along with them." Sam said.

"Maybe you're right, Sam." I admitted.

"You know, we never finished disbanding that ring of shapeshifters we were following." Dean observed.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him.

"What more is there to do? We mapped out the tunnels and killed probably about sixty of their members. If they have more than sixty members in this group, then we're in trouble." I stated.

"You know what there is to do. You just don't want to admit it." Dean replied.

"Dean, we have children. We are not going to go into those god forsaken tunnels all willy-nilly trying to find shifters that may or may not even exist anymore." I said through clenched teeth.

"Is there anything you'll do to reopen this case?" He asked.

"I'm willing to look over the maps again and potentially investigate a few places if, and only if, you find a place for the triplets to stay for a few days." I sighed, annoyed at the fact that I actually caved.

"I'll find a place for them to stay." He said, "I already have an idea on who to ask."

"Then get to it because I want them gone or cared for here before we even start this thing." I said, handing Mary over to Sam and picking up Deanna.

Dean left the room to make a phone call and returned ten minutes later with shit-eating grin on his face. I glanced over at Jules who was shaking her head.

"Your fiancé never fails to amaze me." She said, rolling her eyes.

"I take it you found someone?" I asked.

"Three people actually. They're willing to stay here in our guest bedrooms. They'll be here in half an hour." He said, grinning from ear to ear.

"This is going to be fun to explain. It's too bad we don't have a 'normal books' section in the library." I said, wondering who in hell he could have recruited to watch the triplets.

"Don't worry about it. They already know about our 'undercover work'" Dean said.

"Who did you get?" I asked, shaking my head.

"Your grandparents and your favorite high school teacher." He said, grabbing Deanna from me.

I let out an exasperated sigh as my head fell to the floor.

"You never fail to amaze me." I said, going to grab the maps we made of the tunnels.

While looking over the maps we made and maps of the city, I found about three locations that I thought it might be worth our time to investigate.

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