Chapter 13

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When I woke up the next afternoon, I rolled over and glanced at my alarm clock. The bright red numbers flashed 3:00 PM. I groaned as I sat up and saw two little pills and a glass of water with a note underneath of it.

"Dammit." I spat as I knocked the water into the floor as I tried to grab the note.

When you wake, here are some pills and a glass of water for your headache. You had a rough night. Take it easy, okay? Sydney doesn't know what made you drink so much last night. I worry about your wellbeing.

I was glad she didn't know what happened between Sydney and I last night. I didn't want to disappoint her again like I did when I told her about my affair with Ben.

I stumbled out of bed, just about falling in the process. I grabbed the two pills and headed out the door, feeling something sharp on the bottom of my left foot as I stepped away from the nightstand. Ignoring it, I carefully made my way over to the kitchen. Once I sat down, Jules handed me a plate of toast and a glass of water.

"I thought you may need something to keep everything down. I heard you toss the glass onto the floor." She said, smiling gently as she pushed the plate and disposable plastic cup in my direction.

I gulped down the pills and rested my head in my hands.

"It's not burnt. Just the way I like it." I managed to joke.

"Kate, I know you're trying to make light of the situation, but this no laughing matter. Last night was terrifying. You were hammered beyond repair. You were almost to the point where you had to go to the hospital. You don't need to tell me what made you drink so much. All I want to know is if you're alright. Can we try to talk about this?" Jules sighed.

"I don't need to talk about it! Why I drank so much is none of your damn business!" I shouted, rolling my eyes.

"If this continues, then it should be my business! I don't need to lose someone else." Jules clenched her jaw as she looked at me with anger.

"Just leave me alone, okay?! I don't need to be told what to do!" I spat, slamming my fists down on the table.

"Well, I'm going to tell you exactly what you should do. You need to stop acting like you have all your shit together and acting rude to people when you clearly need their help--"

"Oh, and this is coming from you? This person who hid relationship issues for months and then went off and slept the first old Joe to show some interest in you after you got cheated on? Gee, thanks. I'll certainly take that into serious consideration." I interrupted.

"Okay, so maybe that does sound a little off balance coming from me, but that not the point, Kate! You kept slurring last night from the ride home saying you could've drove yourself back, but you couldn't. You couldn't even walk in a straight line, let alone drive! You tried to walk into the bunker, but you were so drunk that Sydney had to carry you inside! Even then, you still tried to fight him off. It wasn't until you puked all over everything but the toilet when you started sobbing and apologizing for being such an asshole. That lasted until about 7 in the morning when you finally passed out! Sydney had to carry you to bed while I got your pills and water. I bet you don't even remember being sorry and actually showing it to people. You need to be nicer. Coming from your best friend, this sounds like I'm being a completely nag. Back before the hunting, you used to be more open about your feelings. Now, you shut everyone out. I'll bet you don't even tell Dean your feelings!" She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, "I'll leave you be. I'm going back with the literary clan."

She quickly flipped back around after looking down at the floor as she walked.

"Kate, why is there a trail of blood leading to your chair?" She asked.

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