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Okay Sana be careful and she bid way sana from there...While entering the room she heard her mom was saying to her oppa that

Oppa , She will be hurt..I can't let's keep the things like that...No Ryunjin, Just tell her each and everything today.. Before she gets hurt okay..

Op-paaa but I , suddenly her talked stopped as I called mommaa..

And she was wiping her tears..And i said , Today I wanna know each and everything about Dad... that's it...

Y/N , am I not enough for you ?? Why want you to hear about you dad??said ryunjin...

And again said you will be hurt baby.. Try to understand while wiping her tears...

Mo-mom please, I wanna know why he's not here with us .. After all he's my fa-father... I was sobbing while telling..

Okay th-then let me tell you about your bastard dad.. But promise me you'll be not sad baby???

Ye-yes mo-mom , you just tell me...


A/N pov : sorry for interfering.. Note..
Ryunjin is Y/N's mother..
Hyunjin is Taehyung's mother..
(They're sisters in this story)


I was happily living with my Family and my de-dearest late sister Hyunjin..

But one day i fall in love that bastard who's your own that y/n...

I miss her y/nieeee.. I still feeling guilt for that in-incident...

Mom do-don't cry please...Which incident momma??

One day my sister Hyunjin's marrige was fixed in Kim Family... I was also in love with your dad that time without knowing that your father is fraud man and Mafia....

Then mom- dad, Hyunjin also told me to leave your dad but i was blind in love Y/N.. And your dad also told me that he'll changed then without telling no one i run with him..

And later our mom also agreed amd accepted my marrige.. But Y/N i - i didn't know your father is this much in-inhuman..

Momma, don't cry please i am sorry.
If you're uncomfortable momma.. You don't need to tell please just stop crying..

No-No y/n, you need to know about this.. Then i wiped my tears and later i gotta know..

Your father is rival of Mr.Kim Family.. And my sister was married to that family y/nieee...

I gotta know this later when you were not borned even and your elder brother yo- ahh oppa i can't, i started crying... Momma, brother?? Y/N said..

Then Oppa said y/niee, yes you have an elder brother too...Where's he uncle?? y/n said...

Because of that bastard, Mr.min your father that's why my another baby is not with us y/n....

I'll not say that i was happy living with your dad after marrige..Because he stopped taking care of uss.. I was so heart-broken when yo-your brother was 4 years old..

One day i got to know that your dad and my sister's husband is rival..
Then y/n you know what Mr. Kim is just so kind hearted.. I can't say how he used to love my sister..

Even knowing i am Mr. Min's wife who is his biggest rival.. He came to me to tell that his wife means my sis miss me so bad.. So he came to take me to meet my sis one day...

Then i also agreed because i wanna meet her too despite being knowing Mr. Kim also your dad's rival.. But somehow i knew Mr. Kim was good person unless your father...


Ryunjin POV :

Hyunjin, hyunjin where are you??
Mr. Kim said...

Ahhhh i am coming baby wait naa..
I saw her limping while walking and i understood that she's pregnant...

Hyunjin screamed my name and walking to me like baby..And i also ran to my sis..

Then she started to caress my face and hugged me so hard...Hyunjin unnie, i am so-sorry for listening you and married that person...

Shhhh Ryunjin shhhh, don't cry people makes mistakes naa... You just tell me if he does anything wrong??

No-no but he's not like before.. He's becaming heartless.. Ahh Unnie It's ok let it be.. You tell me how are you??

I am fine ryunjin baby... Aishh guys okay enjoy with each other...Mr.kim said..And Mrs. Kim take care of you and my baby hmm then he kissed my sis and gone for works..

Flashbacks end..

Again Hyunjin POV :

You know y/niee maybe that's the last time i talked with my unniee hyunjin
I bursted out while sobbing...

Why momma?? Where's my aunty

How? How i will explain this to you?? I have no words y/nieee... Momma you just tell me please..Y/N was forcing and shaking me...No mom tell me please, don't get silent mom...

YOUR BASTARD FATHER KILLED MY SISTER.... And i fall on the floor while y/n was statued in her place..

And you know what your father killed my sis and his husband because of rivalry despite being known that Mr.Kim's wife hyunjin is also my sister..

But mo-mom how he killed them??
Y/N asked.. Your father planned car accident for them y/n.. That day my sis was also pregnant with her unborn child too...

And then when i got to know that they met accident.. I was going but your father didn't let me go there...

I also didn't know that time, your father killed them.. Your father told me, they're my rivals and forcibly stops me from going there..

I was praying and hoping that god keep them safe... Later got to know that....


I hope you'll are doing good 🤭 Ahhh thanks dolls for reading my
Story...You'll feel butterfly soon 💋
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Take care 🤭

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