💜Painful Past💜

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Taehyung's MOM POV :

Mr. Kim,Why didn't you took our baby tasha with us hmm??

I wanna spend my time with my baby alone this time.. That's why i didn't took tasha with us...

But our little ones is with us naa..I was saying while caressing my belly..I can't wait baby.. Come fast naa..

Mrs.Kim calm down, he'll come soon..Maybe just Few days left..

You know i can't leave without you Mr.Kim..Ahh shhh don't say like this hyujinaa..No i am serious if we die one day we'll die together ...

Stop don't say like this it's hurt and i wanna see you happy so let's enjoy the day before our little ones come..

I was so excited but suddenly our car's break stopped working...Then he said that Hyunjin C-car i can't break the car...

I was stuttering and saying why what happened?? He told me to stay calm because i was also pregnent... Then he got call from his office that his rival means Mr.Min done this and also fit the bomb in the car...

Suddenly he pushed me from the car and car blasted then i screamed his name and fainted...



Ahhhhh m-my womb is paining while half conscious state, Hyunjin said while screaming due to the pain..

Wh-where is my hu-husband doctor?? Is he fi-fine naa?? She is saying all these things on her this condition..

Please Mrs.Kim, your labour pain is started already..Let's talk later about this....No-noo tell me where is my husband first ahhhh, she screamed..

Mrs. Kim try to understand please you have many pregnancy complications now, Doctor was also crying..

But if you'll not tell me where's my husband then i c-can't give b-birth ahhhh.. Mrs.Kim sorry to say your husband is no more...

Then she got blanked and stopped shaking...Mrs.kim please don't be like this..I can understand your situation please save your child please..And i am sure if your husband would be here today, he never wanted this..

Hyunjin remembering those all and last moments of car they talked about and he can't be happy seeing me like this.. Then she came to senses suddenly and caressing her belly and said that

My baby don't wo-worry my baby, your momma will bring you t-to this world then she will leave this world...Her tears was continuously falling from her eyes...

Ahhhh m-my belly....she was screaming due to the labour pain..Mrs.kim are you Alright??

How can i doctor? Nothing left now i am already d-dead without my love..
Now please bring my baby in this world please, she was screaming and crying..

After 1 hours later...

Mrs.Kim, baby is on the way push.. Ahh i -i can't ahhhh..Mrs.Kim last just one time push...Ahhhhhh

And she heared her baby's crying and she was smiling while many pain is already broked her...

Then Mr.Kim's brother came with a baby boy in his arms...And she was staring at her baby and doctor was saying please be strong mrs.kim..

I can't and they give her baby in her shaking arms..She was looking to her babyboy and said to Mr.Kim's brother that

Op-Oppa, I-i will be not he-here with h-him anymore..Hyunjin don't say like this.. Your child needs you..

I wanna say something oppa...Please take care of my c-child when I'll be not h-here while painful tears was streaming from her eyes..

She was caressing her babyboy and said that "My Taehyung "tears was dropping from her eyes and she again said, " My Kim Taehyung "

Oppa me and his d-dad Mr.Kim already decided his name s-so i am naming him our " Kim Taehyung"... My one last request oppa i knew it Mr.Kim was not bad mafia..Still keep my son away from these things....

Hyunjin don't say like this stay strong for Tasha and Taehyung...Oppa, when i saw him dying there, where accident happened.. I also died t-there but i have to give birth my t-tae..

Painful tears was falling from her eyes and she tightly hugging her newborn child..She kissed her child and suddenly beep beep sound was playing....

Mr.Kim's brother called doctor doctor, where are you?? Hyunjin is not responding...Then doctor checked her
nerves and she said...

"She's no more" then his uncle took taehyung from her standing there like statue..Then he took tae to his sister Kim Tasha and his son Kim namjoon..

Flashback end..


I was literally blank and tears was dropping from my eyes..And i said to momma How can be a person this cruel?? None other my Own father momma??

You know y/n despite being knowing that she's my sister and his family your father done this...

That's the main reason i left him with you but... I asked what momma and she said but i can't save your oppa y/n...

But mom how got to you know that my fa-fathe i mean Mr.Min was behind that incident of Kim family ??

After 6 year of my sis hyunjin and his family's incident..I got to know about this when i was pregnant with you..



Ahhh I'm pregnent, i was happy but somehow i am not happy because my husband's behaviour is changing day by day..

I wanted to surprise him by this news so i came to his office.. While i was entering i heared her husband Mr.Min saying that

Our rival Kim's heir is saved in that accident which i planned.. If their unborn son also got killed in that accident it would be more good..He was laughing while saying with his fellow people..

His fellow people was saying that i think we should kill their heir named Taehyung also because if he became our biggest enemy in future...

And i screamed and said, don't you dare to do anything to that 5 years old child...Then i go to him and took his coller then i said, Why? How can you do this despite Being knowing she's my own sister family??

Suddenly he pushed me and i fall on the floor..You can't do nothing after knowing too and he started laughing

I'll go far way from you with my babies..And i was about to leave but he hold my hand and said you can't take my son..If you then I'll kill each and everyone of your Family..

Also you can't run way remember..
Then i said if you not letting me go now then I'll tell each and everyone about you..

He said that i know you can't and left her hand...


I hope you'll are doing good 🤭 Ahhh thanks dolls for reading my
Story...You'll feel butterfly soon 💋
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Take care 🤭

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