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Thank you so much everyone for 700 readers...😭💜And i have made cover of my this story Revenge or love.. Let me know in the comment section how's it?? 😭

It's my 1st story you guys know naa so kinda happy with these readers. I know if you gonna support me like this then i will gain more views and followers 😭💜

Don't think like that i have stopped writting this FF..🥲  Just because am not updating further chapters for so long.... Because i have my University  admission test in Feb 24th 2024..That's why i was not updating but from tommorow I'll try to update everyday..

Sorryyy with taetae's smile 🌚

And once again thank you so much, share my story and do vote and follow 🥺💜

Revenge or Love (KTH 🔞FF & ft-JJK)Where stories live. Discover now