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New update enjoy 💋

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New update enjoy 💋

Author Pov:

He positions himself to her hole,  rubbing his throbbing cock against her entrance. He gives a low chuckle as he sees you biting her lip,

You ready for me, little mouse.? He teases, rubbing the tip of his cock against her clit...He takes a deep breath, looking at her with a serious expression.

Alright, little mouse, I'm going to take you now. He slowly pushes the head of his cock into her pussy, giving her  time to adjust to the size.

He didn’t moved untill she adjust him.. But she was getting confused by his behaviour.. Because he said he wanted revenge by hurting her.. But he's also taking care too..

She can understand how hard she was getting still he didn’t moved for her..She clenched her by giving him sign to move...

He gives a low growl, feeling her pussy tighten around him as he slowly entered her.. He groans, gripping her hips tightly as he finally bottoms out inside of her..

I'm going to fuck you hard now, little mouse.

All of a sudden,  He begins thrusting into her, each stroke hard and deep. He leans over you, his breath hot against your ear as he growls.

You like that, little mouse? You like feeling my cock splitting you open? She was already in pain but his dirty words are giving more chills to her body immediately..

Ahhhh,i c-cant...she screamed out laudly like never when he begin  thrusting into her, each stroke hard and deep.

It's hurting a l-lot, She knews he wanted to hurt her but still She's saying these to him...

Hushhh it will fed way soon eventually Mrs.bravo..He pauses for a moment, still buried deep inside her.. When he saw her in pain then he started to sucking her nipple slowly to give her pleasure...

Soon her pain was changing by her moans of pleasure... She can't held her moan and she hanged on his arms due to the pleasure...

When she noticed his care and the soft side of him which no one have ever seen.. she started to utter something  to her...

I t-truly felt bad for your l-loss, I a-am sorry f-for what h-happened to your p-pren-... He grips her hips tighter t, his breathing heavy.,

Don't little mouse, don't u dare.. before I started to fuck you so damn hard so just shut up... He starts thrusting again, harder and faster.

He chuckles darkly, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he feels her tense up beneath him.He pounds into her harder, the bed creaking beneath them..

Mmmhhhh S-slow down, T-tae p-please...He ignores your pleas, continuing to rut into you with brutal force.

His balls slap against your clit with each thrust, the sound echoing through the room.

You'll learn to love the pain, little mouse. Now, be a good girl and take my cock fully.

His thrusts become more erratic as he nears his release. Fuck, you're so tight, little mouse. Taehyung grunts in frustration as he struggles to fit inside her, his girth stretching her to the limit.

Damn it, why are you so tight? He slams into you with brutal force, determined to claim you completely. cum fills you, warm and sticky, before he pulls out.

Taehyung pulls out of her, panting heavily as he surveys her naked form.
She thought and fainting long breath.. She thought they are done...

He smirks at her and grabbed her roughly, bending her onto the bed. Well Don't think, It's done bravo..we will try new position...

He growls, climbing on top of you and fitting himself between your legs once again. She was tired now...Taehyung's hands grip her wrists, pinning them above her head as he positions his body over hers.

I'm going to take you from behind, Be behave like my dirty slut little mouse.. . He pushes into her, his thick cock stretching her hole Again as he starts to move.

Taehyung grunts in satisfaction as he hears her moans and whimpers, his thrusts becoming harder and faster.

You like that, don't you? Taking my cock like the good little wife you are. He leers down at her, his eyes wild with lust... He started to groan..

His grip on her wrists tightens as he continues to move inside her, his pace still relentless.. His thrusts become more brutal, his cock pounding into her with a savage intensity.

He bites down on her earlobe, his teeth sinking in hard enough. And his hands pressing her both boobs . That's right, scream for me

I-i can't t-take it anymore, S-stop please.. T-taehyung...

His movements become more frenzied, his grip on her waist digging into her tender flesh. 

Take it all...He slams into her one last time wbile saying, his cock throbbing as he fills her with his seed. After that her body falls on bed almost fainter due overstimulate...

He almost noticed how fragile and tired, She's right now.. So he made her lay down to bed ... Then he stood up and got into bathroom to get clean...

He also came with a towel to clean herself...when cold piece of cloth touch her fown, she shivered due vaginal area pain...

They didn’t uttered anything suddenly she was in deep Slumber due to the pain and pleasure... He also slept there making her wear his shirt..



Next day morning

Taehyung Pov:

My eyes got wild open hearing bird's chirping on the morning..  Suddenly i noticed y/n..Who was sleeping in my arms while hugging me.

I don't even know why this view giving me this much peace.. After  a long time, i am feeling like this...

I kept looking at her eyes for a long time..  When reality hits me..i was about to get up from bed.  She hold my arms more tigtly...

I smiled at her and i was about to kiss her forehead.. But i am doing everything for revenge... I jerked her hand slowly and got up from bed....

Now i am standing in balcony of my study room... I was puffing Cigarette..
I was having flashbacks of yesterday night.. When we were doing it..

Why i was so soft with her?Aren’t i wanted to hurt her??Everything is getting out of my mind.. Whenever u saw her eyes, i can't behave rude with Her...

H-her eyes remind me of my mothe ..Why Min y/n??  Why you have got her eyes?? Or It's nothing like that i am the one Who think like that....


Ahh i am so excited what will happened next..Are you also??

Ahem ahem whatever i want 50+ likes then i will post next chapter👀

And do follow also for more..
Take care

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