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"I'm hungry," Cali stands up.

"Babe you're just going to leave me here?" Louis whines to Cali in a hurt voice, holding her hand to stop her from moving along.

"Sweetie I'm so sorry," she plays along with whatever game Lou has concocted in his brain. "Let's go."

She pulls him off the couch and they walk over to the kitchen.

"Make you're self at home," I shout after them, remembering that we are to have never met before.

"Oh I will Styles," she replies with a smirk in her voice. "Oh I will. You wont be able to get rid of me after this."

I chuckle but keep my thoughts to myself.

"She's very lovely Nialler," I say to him, glancing toward the kitchen when I hear her shriek of laughter.

"It's amazing how similar you two are," Liam starts his rant again, obviously still trying to wrap his head around it.

"Yeah," he smiles and laughs when Cali starts shouting at Louis.

"Louis! You dumbass! Look what you did!"

"Me!" he turns up the volume. "You're the one who started it."

"Ladies don't start fights but they can finish them," she says and Liam cheers.

"Woo! Yay for Disney!" Liam shouts and Cali laughs.

"Cali if you drink that much you can't drive home," Louis says sassily.

"Ha ha," Cali replies in monotone. "This is water and besides I didn't even drive here."

I can practically hear her hand slamming over her mouth.

"This is going to be harder then I thought," I whisper to Liam as Niall starts up.

"Why didn't you drive?" he asks her nosily. "How did you get here?"

"Yes how did you get here?" Louis asks cheekily as they return. Cali has a sandwich on a plate and a bottle of water.

"I took a cab because my motorcycle is in the shop," she gives Niall half her sandwich after she takes her seat next to him. Louis sits back down next to her and steals a chip from her plate. She just shakes her head at him, obviously not as food crazed as Niall.

"What's wrong with it?" Niall asks at the same time Liam asks, "You drive a motorcycle?"


"Yes," I answer Liam first then turn to Niall. "Nothings wrong with her, just gettin her checked up before I move to London."

"What?" Liam and Niall say at the same time. I told Harry this last night and he probably mentioned it to Lou.

"Yeah, I'm moving to London in a week," I says taking a bite of my sandwich and Louis steals another chip. I chew and swallow before continuing. "I got a job at a studio."

"Cal that's amazing!" Niall says excitedly.

"Thank you," I smile and Louis goes in for my food again. "Louis I know we just met, but I will not hesitate to tackle you to the ground if you do that again."

"I don't believe you," he says narrowing his eyes at me.

"I'd believe her mate," Niall says seriously.

"Yeah mate," I copy Niall's accent. "I'd believe me. I used to beat up Ni."

"Cali," he whines and I laugh before finishing the rest of my sandwich.

"So who were you hanging out with earlier?" Niall asks me as I'm taking a drink to wash down my sandwich.

"Just Henry and his two idiot friends," Harry snorts across the room but I don't look at him. Louis pinches my side softly and I just smirk. "They're pretty ... "

I pause and Louis jumps in, "Brilliant, handsome, amazing, smart, talented."

"I was going to say lame," I say cheekily.

"Hey-" Liam starts to protest but Harry elbows him.

"Where's the bathroom?" I turn and look at Harry. Damn he is so beautiful, I can't believe how lucky I am.

"Here I'll show you," he stands up and leads me down the hall even though I already know where it is.

"How am I doing?" I ask when we are out of earshot.

"Fabulous love," he says softly.

"This is my stop," I say seriously as we halt in front of the bathroom.

"It was lovely to meet you," he smirks and turns to go.

"You're not even going to kiss me good night?" I whine a bit and he chuckles then turns back to me.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" He teases and I give him a cheeky smile.

"Yeah but he's not here," I say then give him a devilish grin. "And he's a terrible kisser."

"Oh really," he says leaning in close, his voice low and raspy, and I give a small nod. "Well maybe I should show you how it feels to really be kissed."

"Harry," Liam voice calls from other room and Harry sighs.

"Later?" He asks and I nod, not trusting my voice. This boy does things to me, in a matter of seconds he has my heart pounding, my blood flowing and my body tingling, without even touching me.

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