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I wake up tangled in sheets and limbs my phone screaming "I Think I'm In Love", my ringtone for Harry. I untangle my body from the person next to me - without looking to see who it is - as best I can and reach over them, grabbing my phone and answering it.

"Hello?" my voice is rough from sleep and lots of alcohol.

"Hi baby," his voice is soft. "Did I wake you?"

"Yeah but I love for your voice to be the first thing I hear in the morning," I repeat the words he said to me yesterday or the day before, I don't remember. I'm unbelievably jet lagged. He chuckles and I smile at the glorious sound.

"How was your night?" he asks in his still soft tone that is starting to lull me back to sleep.

"I think it was good," I reply unsure, the events that transpired lost in my memory because of the amount I drank. "I honestly don't remember half of it."

He chuckles but it sounds forced. "Where are you?"

I look around and see Luke is the person I was spooning all night. Michael and Calum are on the other bed and Ashton is on the couch. "I'm in one of the boys' rooms, but they are all here."

"Hmm, well I'm glad you had fun," he says. "I'm about to get on a plane to Vegas so I thought I'd call and ... "

He pauses as if not sure he should say the words he was going to.

"Check in?" I finish his sentence with a giggle.

He chuckles and replies with a soft, "Yeah."

"Well have a safe flight. I miss you. I think my flight leaves late tonight so I'll call you later."

"Okay love. Get some rest, yeah? I'll see you later." 

"Bye babe," I speak gingerly and hang up after he says bye. My arm flops down on the bed, phone in hand as I shut my eyes and ignore the slowly growing throb that is starting to overtake my skull. Right before I decide to drag myself out of the bed for a glass of cold water and possibly a hot shower, Luke rolls over to my side of the bed and throws his arm around my waist, pulling my close. Now I wouldn't have minded if I wasn't already in a relationship with the love of my life, but seeing that I am I was a little worried cause I know Harry would freak. I know he didn't mean to do it, he's asleep after all and it doesn't really bug me because we are close friends, but still I'm monogamous these days.

"Luke get the fuck off me," I say in a growl as I attempt to push him away. He is much stronger then me though.

"No. You're warm," his voice is husky, Australian accent thick.

"It's like a billion degrees," I growl again and manage to wrestle myself out of his grasp, then decide to tease him using an Australian accent. "You need to find yourself a girl mate."

"Oh rack off," he says at my teasing, flicking me of and rolling over. Calum's muffled laughter floats up from the other bed as I walk past it into the bathroom. I fill a cup with cold water while checking myself out in the mirror. My mascara is smeared and my hair is a mess along with my clothes which are twisted around my body. Probably Luke's fault.

When I come back into the room the lads are awake, playing on their phones. 

"What hotel are we in?" I ask nonchalantly. I have no idea what hotel I'm in so that won't do me any good.

"You're room is one floor up," Calum answers me sweetly.

"Oh fabulous," I sigh. "I forgot the name of my hotel this works out great."

"Go and get ready and we'll have lunch," Michael says. "I'll text you."

"Okay laters baby," I walk out the door and to the lift, taking it one floor up and finding my room. When I get in I plug in my phone and jump in the shower, making it as hot as my skin can stand.

The rest of the day goes by quickly and after saying goodbyes and promising to text I'm on a plane back to America. I'm so excited! All I want to do right now is kiss my boyfriend and move to London, which is what I'll be doing by the time I get there. I have to be in London in three days, it's going to be a busy week.


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