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I follow Niall back into the living room, slowly though as I try to calm my racing heart and thrilled body. The fact that I could make her sound like that got my blood pumping. The fact that she could turn me on just by pulling my hair got my blood pumping. This relationship  is going to be amazing, not just because of that but because she is amazing. She is the most beautiful, funny, intelligent, cleaver, charming, gorgeous, amazing girl I've ever met.

We sit and chat and after 45 minutes Louis and Liam convince Niall to go out back and look at something. I rush up the stairs and into my room.

"Cali," I call her name and she emerges from the closet. "The lads are outside."

She smiles at me and grabs my hand. I lead her down the stairs quickly and through the house, stopping at the front door.

"Okay I'll see you in a few," I give her a small smile. She goes up on her toes and kisses me softly before opening the door and walking out of the house. When the boys walk back in, I text her and there is a knock on the front door. Niall jumps up from the couch and races to the door.

"Cali!" He shouts and I hear her laugh carry from the next room. There is mumbling then Niall walks into the room carrying Cali in his arms, her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. They mumble some more and he finally sets her down.

"Calista," Liam says loudly, opening his arms for a hug.

"Deja-vu," Louis mumbles to me and I giggle. Cali must have heard and flips us off before letting Liam go.

"Liam I missed you," she looks up at him and smiles.

"I missed you too love," he teases and she rolls her eyes. "Look at how grown up you are. You're absolutely gorgeous."

She raised her hand to her forehead and makes a W then turns it and makes and E then turns and makes a M then an L.

"Wow," he says with a small smile. "Did you just 'Whatever Major Loser' me?"

"You bet I did," she says sticking her tongue out at him.

"Cali," Niall wraps his arm around her shoulder and turns her so she is facing us. "This is Louis and Harry."


Niall points to each boy individually and I stick out my hand for them to shake, just like I would if we were meeting for the first time.

"You slept with me and now you're not even going to hug me!" Louis complains and I slap Niall across the chest but wink at Harry.

"Niall how could you tell them," I say in mock hurt and embarrassment but there is smirk on my lips.

"How could I not!" he shouts at me and I huff, crossing my arms over my chest and turning my back to him. "You got me ... "

He pauses trying to think of the words so as not to hurt anyone's feelings.

"Riled up?" I question, turning back to him, my eyebrow raised and a smirk on my lips. I walk over and hug Louis. "Good it did what it was supposed to."

Niall just shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose as I move to hug Harry. He gives me a tight hug and we pull away quickly, I miss his arms around me as soon as he lets go. I look at him with a sad smile and he winks before starting a conversation.

"I like your shirt," he comments and Louis laughs under his breath. "I have one like that but I lost it."

"Hmm," I say, keeping my face straight. "Thanks I stole it from my boyfriend."

"You have a boyfriend?" Niall says as we take a seat on the couch. I sit between Niall and Louis and Harry and Liam sit on the other couch.

"Yeah," I say looking up at him. "Did I not tell you? Sorry."

"No you didn't," he says sounding a bit hurt. "What's his name?"

"I'm not telling you," I say leaning away from him.

"And why not?" he says defensively.

"Maybe she's lying," Louis jumps in and I slap his chest.

"You'll go all big brother on him," I say, a melancholic expression crossing my face. Harry gives me a small smile.

"I promise I won't ," he says with a cheeky smile. "What's his name?"

"Ha-nry," I hurry and switch it before I say Harry's name. "Henry."

"Nice save," Louis mumbles and I grab his leg and pinch the inside of his thigh.

"Ow!" he shouts and I do an evil laugh then look at Harry and wink as Louis puts his arm behind me and leans in.

"You're not a very good actor," he mumbles in my ear. "Especially if you keep looking at him."

I keep my face straight as he talks to me.

"What are you saying?" Niall says, realizing that Louis is whispering to me.

"Nothing," I say in a high pitched voice making it sound like I'm lying. "We're not talking about you."

"So Henry," Niall says with a huff.

"Yup," I say popping the 'p'.

"Does Henry have a last name?" Niall asks and I look up at Louis.

"Sty-n," I say the 'n' quickly to stop myself from saying Styles. "Henry Stein."

"Yeah that sounds real," I mumble under my breath and Louis starts to chuckle.

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